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Study Finds 41% of Mobile Users Will Buy Apple iPhone 5

Posted September 28, 2011 at 10:58pm by iClarified · 10364 views
InMobi today announced that the combined results of its monthly InMobiMobile Insights network ad data research and a custom iPhone-focused study found that the iPhone 5 could be the most successful smartphone launch to date.

The recent InMobi consumer smartphone survey uncovers that 41% of current mobile users in the U.S., Mexico, and Canada plan to buy an iPhone 5-potentially making it the most successful launch from the consumer electronics giant to date. The study further finds that over 50% of those users will make the purchase within the first six months of the iPhone 5 launch, which could take Apple significantly ahead of its June 2011 market position, and increase its mobile platform market share from 27% in June (comScore Inc., August 2011) to 41%.

However, if Apple only unveils a product update-akin to the 3GS version of the iPhone that Apple released in 2009-interest in the new smartphone will be significantly lower, with fewer than 15% of consumers likely to actively pursue the new handset.

The study finds that consumers are most hopeful for improved battery life; increased processing speed; higher-quality screen resolution; and stronger phone service in the rumored Apple smartphone.

Customer retention and new users
The study uncovered that over half of BlackBerry users (52%) are planning to switch to the new Apple iPhone 5, followed by 51% of current iPhone users and over one in four (27%) Android owners. Even if the announcement only unveils an iPhone 4S, 28% of current BlackBerry smartphone owners plan to switch to Apple, more than double the amount of current iPhone and Android owners.

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