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Organize and Share Notes, Photos and Pictures

Posted September 15, 2011 at 5:33pm by iClarified · 5949 views
Mapeapps has introduced Pocket Notes 1.0 for iOS, their new Productivity app that allows users to write quick notes, organize them in different folders, attach photos to notes, and share notes via email. Featuring password protection, Pocket Notes is far more versatile than the basic Notes app. Pocket Notes includes 15 different themes, 5 different paper backgrounds, and 8 different fonts to add style to any message.

Users rely on their mobile devices to holds the thousands of small pieces of information the may need to access during a typical day - addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, quick-notes, to-do lists, bank account numbers, etc. Pocket Notes provides an attractive, customizable, easy-to-use app that makes note writing simple and note organizing fun. The fun comes from choosing any one of 37 colorful icons and giving it a label. The icons become storage folders for notes, and they scroll horizontally across the bottom of the screen. Tap on any icon and the first line of every message inside appears on a vertically scrolling, ruled list. Note listed may show a paperclip, indicating a graphic or photo is attached. Touch the arrow and the note opens to be read, edited, deleted, or emailed.

Feature Highlights:
* Notes, photos and pictures, all organized in multiple folders
* Easy-to-use GUI with beautiful Retina graphics
* Password protection with a hint feature for secure access
* User-labeled folders with a choice of 37 different icons
* Sharing of notes (including photos) via email
* Fullscreen viewer for photos and pictures
* 15 colorful themes for a rich experience
* 5 distinguished paper backgrounds
* 8 fonts to match the message

Pocket Notes allows folders to be created, renamed, or deleted and there are 37 icons that creative note-makers can choose from as note holders. For example, users can select the Lightbulb icon and label it "Ideas", keeping notes on new ideas inside. A user can choose the Red Heart icon for notes about her poetry, and then change her mind and replace it with the Exclamation Point icon. And since the app can be password protected, all the notes and photos stored are completely safe and private.

Pocket Notes includes 15 different color schemes for the various windows and tab bars of the app. There are 5 different lined paper colors and textures, and 8 different message fonts. After typing a note on the virtual keyboard, there are 6 icons on the bottom tab bar, giving the user the following options: move back one note, delete the note, attach a photo or graphic stored in the Photo Library, activate the device's built-in camera, email the note and any attachment (standard email form, including "Sent from my iPhone"), or move forward one note. Providing the user does not delete it, the note remains stored in the folder in which it was created.

Users can attach one or more photos or graphics to notes that will be shared by email, and the app automatically considers the size of the email before sending it. Pocket Notes offers the user four choices: Actual Size (unscaled), Large, Medium, and Small. Each choice includes the exact file size, so users can select the best choice based on outgoing and incoming bandwidth. Entering the first letter of the recipient's email address allows the app to auto-fill the field, looking through all the addresses stored in the Mail app.

"Found yourself in a situation where you need to bundle a photo with a text note?" asked Martin Lexa of Mapeapps. "Pocket Notes offers you the ability to store notes with photos inside a choice of folders."

Pricing and Availability:
Pocket Notes 1.0 is $0.99 (USD) and available through the App Store in the Productivity category.

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