January 21, 2025
Apple to Launch an iPhone Nano for Christmas?

Apple to Launch an iPhone Nano for Christmas?

Posted August 3, 2008 at 8:54pm by iClarified · 15991 views
Apple is about to launch a 'nano' version of the hugely successful iPhone in time for Christmas, according a DailyMail report.

The product will be launched in the UK at up to £150 for pay-as-you-go customers by O2, the mobile phone group owned by Spain's Telefonica. 'This will be a big one,' said an industry source.

Experts believe that an iPhone nano would be an enormous hit as a Christmas gift and theorize that it could have touch wheel on the back and display on the front so that numbers could be dialed from behind.

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Apple to Launch an iPhone Nano for Christmas?Apple to Launch an iPhone Nano for Christmas?
(NOTE: This image is a mock up, not an actual product)