December 26, 2024

Apple Intensifies Complaint Against Samsung

Posted June 17, 2011 at 10:16am by iClarified · 7505 views
Apple has amended its complaint against Samsung asserting more patents and other intellectual property rights than before, according to FOSS Patents.

In the updated complaint Apple's copycat accusations are phrased more strongly and in more detail. The company says that Samsung "has been even bolder" than other competitors emulating Apple's products and has created "products that blatantly imitate the appearance of Apple's products to capitalize on Apple's success."

Apple also uses the media to strengthen its case.

The copying has been widely observed in the industry and has been mentioned in multiple articles reviewing Samsung products. For example, a writer for Wired wrote that Samsung's "Vibrant's industrial design is shockingly similar to the iPhone 3G." [...] "First Look: Samsung Vibrant Rips Off iPhone 3G Design." Another Wired writer wrote, "[L]et's settle one of the biggest arguments surrounding this phone. Yes, the Vibrant closely resembles a certain best-selling smartphone." [...] "Samsung Vibrant Looks Like an iPhone, Has Battery Life to Match." [...]

[A] Business Insider review of Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1 stated that, "[f]rom the front, it looks like an iPad." [...]

A recent CNET reviewer remarked: "Taking another page from the iPad 2's school of sexy tablet building, the 10.1 has one of the cleanest designs we've seen on a tablet. [...]"

[Fast Company:] "Samsung’s Anti-iPad 2 Policy" – "[To] Clone the Heck Out of It"

The new complaint removes two patents and adds three to list of those being infringed on. Apple will likely escalate the situation with the filing of a preliminary injunction request against Samsung in the near future.

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