Apple to Begin Selling White iPhone 4 By the End of April?
Posted April 13, 2011 at 7:59pm by iClarified
Apple will begin selling the white iPhone 4 by the end of April, according to three BusinessInsider sources.
The new version will be available from AT&T Inc. and Verizon Wireless by the end of April, said one of the people, who asked not to be identified because the plans aren’t public. The release was stalled as Apple resolved manufacturing challenges, including paint that peeled under heat, one person said.
If Apple does release a white iPhone 4 it may help sustain demand for the device until its rumored update in the fall.
A recent Apple Store update removed all references to the white iPhone 4 leading some to believe it will never be released.
I don't get it. Why are you guys given Apple free plubliscity on a product they never tend to release? What I understand even less is why are people still waiting on this...? Makes no sense.
Anyways, Steve already said that there wont be a white iPhone 4. You can check the interview here:
File this under -who the F cares.
I wanted the white iPhone.. then I got over it. Fact you have to use a case on the iPhone 4 kinda makes the body color pointless anyway.
I am sure lots of people might want white instead
As for others who changed the screen and back
You spend $150 to have a rare iPhone but voids your warranty
Anyways, what does the warranty ACTUALLY cover anyway lol...if you break your phone screen you have to pay apple around $200. I rather pay local companies $100