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Apple to Hold iOS 5, MobileMe Event in Early April?

Posted March 8, 2011 at 5:20pm by iClarified · 10508 views
Apple will reportedly hold an event to launch iOS 5 and a revamped MobileMe in early April, according to Macerkopf.de.

Like us from a source that we consider to be confident, have been reported, Apple is April, a media event organized start to the outlook for iOS 5 and under to MobileMe to give this to. In the 14th KW or 15 KW Apple should invite media representatives to the corporate headquarters to Cupertino.

MacRumors notes that this is line with Apple's pattern in recent where they announce an operating system update ahead of hardware refresh to give developers time to prepare their applications for the new software. Notably, last year's iOS 4 event took place on April 8th at the Apple headquarters.

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