Apple has identified Apple Stores with poor Verizon reception and is installing small scale antennas to improve reception, according to documents obtained by TiPb.
Apple has entered into an agreement with Verizon to be an additional carrier for iPhones. We're very excited about this, and want the rollout to go as smoothly as possible. In that regard, we have identified the stores on the attached list as requiring installation of small-scale equipment to improve in-store cell reception. Apple and Verizon need to conduct a survey to determine where to place an exterior antenna (about 1 foot long, 5 inches wide and less than on inch thick) and the best route for running cable from the antenna to our store.
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Apple has entered into an agreement with Verizon to be an additional carrier for iPhones. We're very excited about this, and want the rollout to go as smoothly as possible. In that regard, we have identified the stores on the attached list as requiring installation of small-scale equipment to improve in-store cell reception. Apple and Verizon need to conduct a survey to determine where to place an exterior antenna (about 1 foot long, 5 inches wide and less than on inch thick) and the best route for running cable from the antenna to our store.
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