Apple is trying to put an end to unlocking by requiring that all new handsets be activated at time of purchase, according to AT&T's President of National Distribution Glenn Lurie.
Lurie told Gizmodo that there will be no in-home activation for iPhone 3G—it does require a two-year contract, and it will have to be activated in store (at AT&T or Apple Store), which takes 10-12 minutes, meaning that first day line is going to SUCK. And you will have to camp out, since there won't be any online ordering at launch.
Gizmodo is also now reporting that "AT&T and Apple are working on a form of penalty for users who don't activate their iPhone within 30 days of purchase." Another obvious attempt at hindering unlockers!
I hope that Apple will sell the Iphone on line and they wont oblige people to sign a contract to buy it, Please Job, make the world happy not only AT&T, FREE THE IPHONE.
I was just reading this: and please visit also,
it is serious, maybe if all costumers round the world or at least in US fight and make a lawsuit to apple it will be free, it is not normal that they give to only ATT this exclusivity.
I think its AT&T that is the one trying to put an end to unlocking the iPhone not Apple....Apple get paid rather the person sign contracts or not....
this "required contract" looks & smells like a law suit waiting to happen. I mean isnt the iPhone a multi-device? Cant the iPhone be purchased to only be used for the WiFi, iPod, video, games, weather, stock, and GPS? I think someone should look into this and screw AT&T for trying to screw with us (the customers) ..
At the begining apple will make the phone unhackable and then the marketing strategy will begin again, I am not worried about it, in one month after people have bought huge quantities it will bought in apple again but without forcing people to make a contract, that would be suicidal for apple who sold about 6 millions iphones till now, so I think everything is calculated.
good on apple! i dont know why they didn't do this in the first place and forced people to buy the contract along with the phone.
when cellphones first came out, they cost about $500 and still with a contract! so i dont get why people are crying now about spending lots of money on new contracts!
so well done and i fully back this decision! (probably not gonna happen tho)
Success has gone to Steve's and Apple's heads.
Its only a phone for God's sake, get over yourselves.
Maybe its time Apple got knocked down a peg or two.
And this from a long time Apple user.
Dear Steve,
what a good move.... NOT !
That is as stupid as they could only be. it is marginalizing the iphone's market penetration, for the sake of 'exclusively' promoting AT&T over other carriers.
We all know what the people becoming apples with the phone chose as next PC. In marketing terms the iphone has proven to be a proven (!) brand introduction device, with fantastic consumer conversion rates.That is over then. Interestingly, Mr Jobs, the Ipod never managed to be a brand introduction device that achieved any real conversion for computer users.
We think you are making a major mistake. And, the profit per hacked iphone to apple was, lets say, sort of identical to the AT&T operated ones ? And, net extra, to where AT&T is not available, like basically around the world....
The hacker community and dev community has added to the fascination of new and new applications, it was a young world out there. Now, you are so acting as part of the established old boys club, I think you should be wearing ties and suits and start looking like an IBM manager. And, time to gain weight around the belly, Sir !
over and out,
This is nonsense, Job you are sick and if you do that I will be an antiapple and will buy only windows and other mobile phone, that is completely monopole, and in Europe that wont work.