January 10, 2025

Hands On Description of the Google Nexus Two

Posted October 29, 2010 at 2:56am by iClarified · 15476 views
Gizmodo has obtained on a hands on description of the Google Nexus Two smartphone. The device is expected to be announced on November 8th.

It's black and shiny, built with glossy plastic. Up close, though, it's "got this curve to it." While the screen, which our source thinks is the same 4-inch AMOLED affair from the Galaxy series, is flat, the front is "sort of concave" with hard edges. And the back is curved. The tapering makes it feel thinner than Galaxy S, though it might be about the same thickness. "It feels really similar to the Galaxy S in a lot ways." (Note: Our mockup is very approximate.)

"When I first saw it from 10 feet away, I thought it was the Galaxy S," says our source, who got to handle one. "I was a little surprised it was the Nexus Two," because it's so different from the Nexus One.

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