iPhone Dev-Team Posts On the Limera1n Jailbreak Surprise
Posted October 10, 2010 at 12:03am by iClarified
The iPhone Dev-Team has posted their thoughts on the release of Limera1n by Geohot.
After a few very dramatic days in the jailbreak community, geohot has come out of nowhere to release limera1n. It’s a bootrom-level jailbreak that works on the iPhone3GS, iPhone4, iPod touch 3G, iPod touch 4G, the iPad, and (technically) the AppleTV 2G.
DO NOT USE LIMERA1N IF YOU USE THE ULTRASN0W CARRIER UNLOCK — wait for PwnageTool to incorporate the limera1n exploit. This is so that you can avoid updating your baseband and losing the unlock (possibly forever).
Limera1n uses a different exploit than SHAtter, and in fact covers more devices. Although some may question geohot’s dramatic and competitive style, he obviously does have considerable skill pulling this together in just over a day (although he’s had the underlying exploit for months).
The release of limera1n has (hopefully!) averted the burning of 2 bootrom holes at once (both his and SHAtter). Releasing SHAtter now would be a complete waste of a perfectly good bootrom hole in light of limera1n, and so it can be held until Apple closes limera1n’s hole. While there’s no guarantee that Apple won’t also close SHAtter by then, it provides a ray of hope for devices after Apple’s bootrom respin.
Limera1n does have some issues, and geohot typically works these out in subsequent (and rapid) releases. In the meantime, feel free to discuss any problems and their solutions in our comments section.
So then...to CLARIFY, I have 4 question/comments:
1) Since I already am jailbroken on iPhone 4 wil jailbreakme and have saved all my blobs, the only incentive for me to follow this now profoundly convoluted series of steps is if I want 4.1 firmware?...which leads me to
2) Is that firmware critical to improving my currently seamless and bug-free iPhone experience?
3) Most importantly...I note in the tutorial for updating firmware without updating baseband for Mac it states to press "shift+RESTORE" when in FACT the procedure should be to press "alt/option+RESTORE"...is this mistake in what should be a fairly SIMPLE step in the process endemic of what I should expect with the rest of the tutorial and I should expect to wind up with an iBrick or WORSE...an unjailbroken iPhone4?
4) I notice in one comment peeps losing MMS and Facetime...if i were to go through with this JUST to get 4.1 firmware will I be needed to reload ALL my Cydia apps AGAIN and go back in and re-establish my preferred environment and settings AND still expect to have a buggy, apps missing experience? (Basically, is that what is implied by "beta" - that this is just a buggy version of something we should wait a couple weeks to be bug-free?)...
Hey, i used tinyumbrella to update my iphone 4 to 4.1 with baseband 01.59.00 and i jb it with limera1n ... so is there a way to unlock it? i tried it with ultrasn0w over cydia but i didn't work .. any ideas?
In fact DevTeam were working with proudly annoucements and it seems that their JB was ready earlier but for fancy reasons they said that it will be released on 101010 (fancy date too), even they did not bother theirselves to update Greenpois0n web site with the status or the release date (even after ETA annoucement), forced us to keep looking here and there among tweets.. All these coz they thought (as we did) that they are the only survive for all of us...
Brilliant Geo was not talking here and there but he was working in silent but came out with a great work..
Thank you Geo and DevTeam as well but hope it was a good lesson for you guys toinstantly help people as soon as you come out with something useful next time..
Very BIG of the Dev Team to for go their deserved glory for their work on Shatter so that they don't waste a perfectly good exploit. GeoHot is a brilliant yet unpolished hacker and has a bit of an ego. Let him have his day. Too bad his product wasn't a little more polished before the release, but that what we expect from him, right?
just tried it on a iphone4 on iOS 4.1 limera1n RC BETA 4 jailbreak with preserved 1.59.00 baseband and no, 3g Unrestricted 2.2.1 works and/or Facebreak 1.13 works for me for facetime.