dBelement re-introduces Cup O' Joe 1.2 for iPhone and iPod touch. The best way to awaken your brain and improve concentration at any time of the day. If your regular cup of coffee isn't waking you up in the morning, Cup O' Joe will certainly do the job. The fun interactive application is designed to challenge you and get your brain into tip-top shape.
Strong Mind, Strong Body: Mental exercise is the key to good health for both mind and body. Cup O' Joe is a simple way to make mental exercise fun. Just 45 seconds in the morning, and you will feel more prepared and ready to face the rest of your day. Play a quick round before an important meeting, a crucial test, or any time you need a mental edge.
Easy To Start, Tough To Master: Cup O' Joe's intuitive gameplay makes brain training easy. Train across many fun levels. Solve simple math problems, play a quick memory game, test your reaction time, and much more. You will fall in love with your daily mental workouts! Getting a perfect score in Cup O' Joe is an art form. Anyone can answer all of the questions correctly but very few in the world can do it in so little time.
Pricing and Availability: Cup O' Joe 1.2 is only $1.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Games category.