CDMA iPhone 4 Reaches Engineering Verification Test Stage?
Posted August 11, 2010 at 8:34pm by iClarified
John Gruber, from DaringFireball, has learned that a CDMA variant of the iPhone 4, code named N92, has reached EVT status.
I do know that engineering-wise, the wheels are turning on N92, the CDMA variant of the iPhone 4. Its certainly not in production yet, and hasnt reached DVT status (device verification test like Gray Powells infamous stolen unit), but it is, a few little birdies claim, at EVT (engineering verification test). Thats one step below DVT, which is one step below production. So its right about where youd think it would be if it were scheduled to go on sale in January. The CDMA iPhone is no longer a cold storage, keep-it-alive-just-in-case-we-need-it project.
That doesnt make it a sure thing. It is essential to reiterate that for all I know, it is coming to market but has nothing to do with Verizon. GSM is more popular worldwide, but Verizon is not the only major CDMA carrier in the world.
Gruber hints that the new device will be ready for January. This, along with TechCrunch's report that Apple has submitted orders for millions of units of Qualcomm CDMA chipsets by December and AT&T's hints that iPhone exclusivity is about to end, suggest that finally these rumors may be correct.
just curious, if AT&T contract ends and Verizon takes over, does that mean the U.S. will ONLY sell the CDMA version of the iPhone? that's really annoying if that's the case... more profit for the oversea resellers -_-'.
I don't think it would to Apple's interest to completely switch over to CDMA. I think they're probably just gonna make two versions. Most likely sell the GSM version unlocked at full price and both phones would probably be the same hardware and software wise. If a CDMA phone differs from a GSM one, you will cause a divergence hence making the customers choose between two phones or forcing them to a specific carrier if they prefer one phone over the other. If you offer the same phone to both type of carriers then nobody decides what phone, just the carrier, at least imho.