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Fortune Names Steve Jobs as Smartest CEO, Jonathan Ive as Smartest Designer

Posted July 9, 2010 at 11:45am by iClarified · 8097 views
Fortune has named Steve Jobs as the Smartest CEO and Jonathan Ive as the Smartest Designer in Tech.

Steve Jobs:
He is a visionary, a micromanager, and a showman who creates such anticipation around new products that their releases are veritable holidays. And Jobs is a pop culture icon like no other business executive: An episode of The Simpsons a few years ago featured a Jobs-like character named Steve Mobs.

His dictator-like control can cause havoc for partners: Jobs, 55, has decided, for example, that Apple products won't support Adobe Flash, the code most video-heavy websites depend on, leading designers to switch to new tools. But Jobs' vision is also what gives these devices their elegance, causing consumers' hearts to flutter

Jonathan Ive:
Steve Jobs dreamed up the iPhone, but Jonathan Ive created it. As Apple's senior vice president of industrial design, Ive, 43, is an expert at manufacturing lust. Like his boss, he is a perfectionist who leads a small team working in near secrecy. Most Apple employees aren't allowed in his studio. From the iPod to the iPhone to the iPad, his contributions have set the course not just for Apple but for design more broadly.

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