The second beta of WinPwn for iPhone has been released by cmw. The following post was made by cmw to announce its release. Winpwn is a windows version of the Dev Teams PwnageTool.
Warning This is still a Beta release. It's pretty stable but i would still advise waiting for final release
This release is not disabled in anyway. I no longer use QEMU and You will see some new features and will notice that it takes
I would also like to note that this release would not be possible without the work of Squpix and Planetbeing who have helped develop and test winpwn.
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Warning This is still a Beta release. It's pretty stable but i would still advise waiting for final release
This release is not disabled in anyway. I no longer use QEMU and You will see some new features and will notice that it takes
I would also like to note that this release would not be possible without the work of Squpix and Planetbeing who have helped develop and test winpwn.
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