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A Look at Cydia on the iPad [Screenshots]

A Look at Cydia on the iPad [Screenshots]

Posted May 2, 2010 at 11:16pm by iClarified
Although unfinished, Cydia is up and running on the iPad. Take a look at some screenshots of the app in action.

A Look at Cydia on the iPad [Screenshots]

A Look at Cydia on the iPad [Screenshots] A Look at Cydia on the iPad [Screenshots]

A Look at Cydia on the iPad [Screenshots] A Look at Cydia on the iPad [Screenshots]

A Look at Cydia on the iPad [Screenshots] A Look at Cydia on the iPad [Screenshots]

A Look at Cydia on the iPad [Screenshots]
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Comments (15)
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iphonedoctor - May 3, 2010 at 1:40am
Excellent Job if there wasnt Jailbreack at all I would probably never own 7 iphone 2G, 5 iphone 3G, 3 iphone 3GS , 1 Imac, 4 iPads and 2old mac books.NR Statistics from behind a scene 70% of apple emploees have jailbrocken iphone.!!! Apple is great , but those who make it great are behind the scene. BRAVO....You Rock .
Jay - May 3, 2010 at 12:48am
Looks Sexy...
Tony - May 3, 2010 at 12:18am
Belive me when I say I am a huge fan of jail breaking, but what are the basic benifits of jail breaking the iPad? I mean apple did a fairly good job this time with the OS and come end of sumer with the 4.0 update all the reasons I jailbreak for will be included by apple. I ask because I wan a jailbreak, but do not see a point. Thoughts?
Iphonedoctor - May 3, 2010 at 12:40am
Backgrounder, listen Pandora ,surf the web inaf for me....
JBer - May 3, 2010 at 12:44am
Free apps dude, FREE apps.
Jay - May 3, 2010 at 12:49am
If your a fan of jailbreaking then why are you asking this question. If you jailbroke you iPhone then you can jailbreak the iPad and do the same stuff. I dont think you've ever jailbroken anything because you wouldnt be asking this question!
turim - May 3, 2010 at 4:11am
Pandora, you say! Is there an easy way, and is it free? What to seek for in Cydia?
verspasian - May 3, 2010 at 4:24am
The role of the jailbreak community has changed significantly since it's inception. We are now people who want to make our phones ours, and remain in control. Apple may allow you to have a background on your SpringBoard, but do they allow you to make it panoramic, change the icons or change what name the apps appear on the SpringBoard as? Do the allow you to choose how many icons you have on each page and how they're laid out? Of course the answer to all these is no, and even as Apple start to listen as we've seen with the wallpaper and backgrounding, we're still far ahead of them with winterboard, infinidock, infiboard, irealsms, SBsettings and other things us jailbreakers take for granted. Let me remind you of what I think it was Steve Jobs said concerning the iPad, and I think is very relevant to our jailbreak community. It's not about what it does, but what it does better. Apple may do things like wallapapers now, but we still do it a whole lot better.
Mak2000 - May 3, 2010 at 4:33am
# 1 free apps #2 free apps #3 free apps got it ........just wandering anybody tried to download installous app on iPad using cydia ......I'm not brave enough to do it again just in case I screwed
Tony - May 3, 2010 at 9:38am
"verspasian" Thanks, yours was the only intelligent answer so far. I personally only really jailbreak for a few reasons. Background/ animated backgrounds, backgrounding, pandora like iTunes " come mid late summer" a few BT things and icon layouts Never heard of the panoramic BG. That I will have to check out.
verspasian - May 3, 2010 at 9:53am
You'll find it on many of the better themes. Winterboard allows you to put backgrounds for each page by simply labelling them by page number, so the effect is made by having several images that make up a panoramic picture. Other stuff I'm sure you've heard of and used, but never really realised how important they are to you until you don't actually have them are things like SBsettings and the ability to quickly respring or even things like hiding icons with poof. One other great app that I can't go a whole nother post without mentioning, is iBlueNova. Having /real/ bluetooth and being able to send files to and from my PC is something that's really important. Oh, and if you ever want me, it's verspasian@gmail.com
Tony - May 3, 2010 at 10:19am
Cool. Ibluenova is a pay app right? I need to sign up for whatever pay method they use. I just got a BT adapter for my pc so I'll have to start playing. Thanks man.
verspasian - May 3, 2010 at 10:29am
Yes, it is a paid app. I think it goes through the Cydia store (can't remember offhand), but if it does, they use Facebook or Google accounts for login info, and you pay with paypal and I think Google Checkout was also an option.
Miko - May 3, 2010 at 1:16pm
DUH - The main reason is to get jailbroken apps. like car navigation. Its OK to pay $1.99 for an app , but the higher prices are ludicrous for many apps
verspasian - May 3, 2010 at 1:44pm
This type of attitude is the most ludicrous if you ask me. On your desktop PC, you pay $80 or so for an office suite. Why should your iPad be so much different that there's uproar when it'll cost you $30? You mentioned SatNav's so I'll take a look at that. If I want an update for my TomTom One XL, they'll charge me around $70 to download it. This is where I've always given them money for the hardware that I bought from them already at a considerable cost. Now lets contrast this to your iPhone, where updates are free, and it only costs $50. Not that expensive after all, is it?
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