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How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3GS Using a Cydia Saved SHSH [Mac]

Posted February 7, 2010 at 12:59am by iClarified
These are instructions on how to enable a firmware downgrade on your iPhone using a Cydia stored SHSH and Mac.

In order for these instructions to work you must have previously jailbroken on an earlier firmware version and opened Cydia allowing it to save your SHSH on file. You can learn more about this situation here

Step One
Launch a new Finder window by clicking its icon in the dock.
How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3GS Using a Cydia Saved SHSH [Mac]

Step Two
Click to select Go to Folder... from the Go menu.
How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3GS Using a Cydia Saved SHSH [Mac]

Step Three
Enter /etc into the input field and click the Go button.
How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3GS Using a Cydia Saved SHSH [Mac]

Step Four
Locate the hosts file in the folder that opens then control+control to bring up the contextual menu.
How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3GS Using a Cydia Saved SHSH [Mac]

Choose Open With then TextEdit from the menus that appear.
How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3GS Using a Cydia Saved SHSH [Mac] How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3GS Using a Cydia Saved SHSH [Mac]

Step Five
Once TextEdit has opened up the hosts file. Append to end of the document.
How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3GS Using a Cydia Saved SHSH [Mac]

How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3GS Using a Cydia Saved SHSH [Mac]

Step Six
Select Save As... from the File menu.
How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3GS Using a Cydia Saved SHSH [Mac]

Step Seven
Navigate to the Desktop, uncheck the If no extension is provided, use ".txt" box, and make sure the filename is just hosts with no extension. Then click the Save button.
How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3GS Using a Cydia Saved SHSH [Mac]

Step Eight
Drag the hosts file from your Desktop to the /etc folder we still have open.
How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3GS Using a Cydia Saved SHSH [Mac]

Click the Authenticate button when prompted.
How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3GS Using a Cydia Saved SHSH [Mac]

Click the Replace button when warned that a file of the same name already exists.
How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3GS Using a Cydia Saved SHSH [Mac]

Enter your administrative username and password when prompted then click the OK button.
How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3GS Using a Cydia Saved SHSH [Mac]

How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3GS Using a Cydia Saved SHSH [Mac]

You are now ready to downgrade your device. Simply put the iPhone into DFU mode and in iTunes Option+Click the Restore button to select the firmware you would like to downgrade to. If you get error message 1011 or 1013 just ignore it. If you get error message 1015 repeat the entire restore then jailbreak after it fails the second time.

*Thanks goes out to Saurik for making these downgrades possible.
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Comments (11)
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Bill - July 29, 2010 at 9:19am
dude, what seems to be the problem? I did this last night, and it worked... i'm even posting this thru mobile safari on the same phone...
Baldur - June 22, 2010 at 9:57am
Worked for me :)
Graham - May 7, 2010 at 2:22pm
i keep getting the 1015 error. when you say to repeat the the "entire restore process" a second time then jailbreak it. do i just repeat the restore process immediately, or do i put the phone back into DFU mode then repeat the restore process? also when you say to move onto the jailbreak process. i have a saved 3.1.2 i made when i initially did the first jailbreak a few months ago, do i use that ipsw? or do i use a downloaded ipsw? everytime i try to select an ipsw through pwnagetool i get a message saying i'm using the wrong firmware bundle i miss my jailbreak :( (sorry posted this as a reply initially)
koonce - May 8, 2010 at 12:38am
dude just use Spirit Jailbreak as and jb whatever your on.. its works better than this crap.. i had to totally restore all my stuff cs this doesnt really work like it says.. only halfass.. just jb 3.1.3.. its way easier... sorry if i offend anyone its just how i feel
philip - April 23, 2010 at 5:09pm
i got a 1600 error code. any suggestions? background info: my iphone crashed, already jailbroken, so it was restored to the factory settings with 3.1.3.
emcee - April 18, 2010 at 1:46pm
I never thought I would be able to jailbreak my 3GS again. After having battery issues, it automatically updated to 3.1.3 and almost every result I searched, said I couldn't go back. I searched high & low for a solution and believed that I had lost my jailbreak for an indeterminate amount of time. This tutorial worked like a charm! Thank you Saurik and iClarified.
PhxBlue - February 7, 2010 at 3:23pm
ive followed these instructions several times with zero success.
Eric - February 7, 2010 at 2:43pm
i have a new iPhone 3GS but in Cydia only have a "Pendig TSS on file" at least for 5 days. Are any problem with this service ?? Thanks
AbduHamama - August 24, 2010 at 1:46pm
just wait like 2 months ago cydia started doing the same thing for iphone 3g's and it took me a couple of days till it said i haid an shsh blob on it.
KP - February 7, 2010 at 4:43am
Great tutorial..Now I am pretty sure that I can keep my current jailbroke software even though apple stopped signing 3.1.2 as I can do it with help of my SHSH stored on Cydia. Thanks a lot Saurik for this.
Graham - May 7, 2010 at 2:17pm
i keep getting the 1015 error. when you say to repeat the the "entire restore process" a second time then jailbreak it. do i just repeat the restore process immediately, or do i put the phone back into DFU mode then repeat the restore process? also when you say to move onto the jailbreak process. i have a saved 3.1.2 i made when i initially did the first jailbreak a few months ago, do i use that ipsw? or do i use a downloaded ipsw? everytime i try to select an ipsw through pwnagetool i get a message saying i'm using the wrong firmware bundle i miss my jailbreak :(
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