Apple released a $650 Graphics Tablet in 1979 which enabled users to draw on the tablet with a wired pen and transfer their creation to the computer.
The tablet worked in conjunction with the "Utopia Graphics System" software for the Apple II. Here's how Apple describes it,
The Apple Graphics Tablet turns your Apple II system into an artist’s canvas. The tablet offers an exciting medium with easy to use tools and techniques for creating and displaying pictured/pixelated?? information. When used with the Utopia Graphics Tablet System, the number of creative alternatives available to you multiplies before your eyes.
The Utopia Graphics Tablet System includes a wide array of brush types for producing original shapes and functions, and provides 94 color options that can generate 40 unique brush shades. The Utopia Graphics Tablet provides a very easy way to create intricate designs, brilliant colors, and animated graphics.
Hit the link below for a lot more pictures and background information on the device as detailed by Edible Apple.