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Apple to Step Up Security Against Jailbreakers?

Apple to Step Up Security Against Jailbreakers?

Posted November 5, 2009 at 7:13pm by iClarified
A job posting at Apple suggests the company may be looking to step up efforts to block jailbreaking.

Apple is currently hiring for an iPhone OS Platform Security Manager.

The Core OS group is looking for a talented and inspired manager to lead a team focused on the platform security of iPhone OS. The team is responsible for secure booting and installation of the OS, partitioning and hardening of security domains within the OS, cryptographic services, and risk analysis of security threats. The team is made up of a variety of security experts with backgrounds in system security and reverse engineering.

Its unclear whether this is a new job position or whether Apple is hiring to replace an existing position.

One of the notable job responsibilities is: 'Driving a methodology for proactively finding security vulnerabilities'. As recent updates have shown, this likely means searching for and closing exploits used to jailbreak and unlock.

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Apple to Step Up Security Against Jailbreakers?

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Comments (7)
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Redrum - November 6, 2009 at 11:26am
A programmer against a hacker. Apple double think against it tsk tsk tsk...... Sad news for you
Airbase - November 6, 2009 at 12:09am
I'd expect that the number of firmware files downloaded upon updates would drop like a rock.
Darkie - November 5, 2009 at 11:00pm
Say what? Apple wants to be the monopoly for their products. The iPhone is the most typical one. They want all the customers to have only one direction to go, and they control that direction. I dont like that way.
Big Bill
Big Bill - November 5, 2009 at 8:23pm
Apple locks, jailbreakers unlock. It will always be easier to unlock than it is to lock (the history of all warfare). Lockers have to fix every hole, unlockers only have to exploit one. If only Apple would actually offer half the services that jailbreakers provide, then there would be no need for jailbreaking.
GEOHOT should see how much they would offer him  :):)
GEOHOT should see how much they would offer him :):) - November 5, 2009 at 7:39pm
hahaha.....just for fun check how much they would offer him , cause im sure he can find a way to lock it up forever!!
Mikel - November 5, 2009 at 9:00pm
..... Nay, where there is a will, there is (always) a way -:^
acessobrasil - November 6, 2009 at 12:57pm
KKKKK, Eu me candidato, aproveito e publico o codigo pro planeta inteiro. Se esse fosse o problema, a microsoft contrataria todos os programadores do mundo. O caso eh que tudo esta sugeito a falhas.
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