Cara Jailbreak iPhone 5s, 5c, 5, 4s, 4 Menggunakan Pangu (Windows) [iOS 7.1.2]
Posted June 23, 2014 at 6:58pm by iClarified
Ini adalah petunjuk tentang cara jailbreak iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 4S, dan iPhone 4 Anda pada iOS 7.1 - 7.1.2 menggunakan Pangu.
Jika Anda belum berada di versi iOS 7.1.2 kami sarankan upgrade ke firmware terbaru menggunakan iTunes. Anda dapat menemukan link download untuk iOS 7.1.2 disini.
Langkah Pertama Buat iClarified folder pada desktop Anda dan download versi terbaru dari Pangu ke dalam folder. Jika download adalah file zip kemudian ekstrak arsip tersebut ke folder yang sama.
Langkah Kedua Double click Pangu executable untuk menjalankan aplikasi.
Langkah Ketiga Aplikasi Pangu akan berjalan. Jika Anda tidak memiliki Font Cina ter-instal pada sistem Anda, kata-kata akan muncul tidak beraturan.
Hubungkan iPhone ke komputer melalui kabel USB. Anda akan melihat perangkat terdeteksi oleh software. Hapus tanda centang pada kotak di sebelah kiri dari jendela. Kotak ini menanyakan apakah Anda ingin app store pembajakan Cina diinstal. Kami sangat menyarankan untuk keamanan dan tujuan hukum bahwa Anda tidak mencentang kotak ini.
Klik tombol hitam besar di sebelah kanan layar untuk memulai jailbreak Anda.
Langkah Keempat Sebuah panduan akan muncul meminta Anda menyesuaikan tanggal Anda kembali.
Tap Settings pada Springboard Anda kemudian pilih General menu.
Pilih Date & Time dari menu General kemudian tekan Set Automatically ke posisi OFF.
Tekan tanggal dan waktu yang muncul dan gulir untuk memindahkan tanggal kembali ke 1 Juni 2014.
Step Five Setelah tanggal tersebut telah disesuaikan, aplikasi Pangu akan memulai proses jailbreak.
Ikon Pangu akan muncul di Springboard Anda. Tekan ikon kemudian tekan Continue ketika diminta untuk mengkonfirmasi peluncuran aplikasi.
**Jika Anda menunggu terlalu lama untuk memulai aplikasi pada Springboard Anda, Anda akan melihat pesan merah pada aplikasi Windows dan perlu untuk memulai kembali.
Langkah Keenam Pangu akan melanjutkan proses jailbreak. Pastikan untuk menjaga perangkat tetap terhubung dan tidak menutup aplikasi.
Langkah Ketujuh Setelah selesai iPhone Anda akan reboot dan Anda akan melihat Cydia pada desktop Anda!
* Banyak terima kasih kepada tim Pangu dan semua yang lain yang memberikan kontribusi untuk jailbreak ini.
JAWABAN: Jika Anda memerlukan bantuan dengan tutorial ini silahkan posting pertanyaan di komentar atau mengajukan pertanyaan kepada komunitas iClarified gunakan fasilitas Answers kami.
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#Translated by centercomp
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Hello iCla, just got an iPhone 4 with iOS 7.1.2 jailbreak with Pangu_v1.0.exe but, the issue here is that, the Jailbreak is confirmed as WildcardActivated
on the iPhone details using iTools but, the jailbreak info says Yes(AFC2 Disabled) .
What could be wrong ?
Hello iCla, just got an iPhone 4 with iOS 7.1.2 jailbreak with Pangu_v1.0.exe but, the issue here is that, the Jailbreak is confirmed as WildcardActivated
on the iPhone details using iTools but, the jailbreak info says Yes(AFC2 Disabled) .
What coulb wrong ?
For those users that are planning to Jailbreak on iOS 7.1.2 then I recommend adding this Cydia Source into Cydia after you jailbreak so you don't have to manually input all the Cydia Sources manually. This will automatically add all the best Cydia Sources and give you access to all the best Cydia Tweaks, Themes and Apps for FREE with just a push of a button. Follow the steps below.
1. Open Cydia
2. Tap Sources
3. Tap Edit
4. Tap Add
5. Type this url in the box (cydiasource,n e t) without the spaces and switch coma for a dot in the url.
6. Tap "Add Source"
7. Install the package labelled "All Sources".
This will give you all the best Cydia Sources to have access to all the best Tweaks, Apps and Themes for FREE
Although your wizard says that I can Jailbreak my iPhone 5s with IOS 7.1.x using Pangu 1.2.1, yet upon running Pangu software, it says it can work only for IOS 8 ! Now, I'll have to update my iPhone to IOS 8 which I didn't there any other way to Jailbreak my iPhone 5s on IOS 7.1.1 (Baseband 2.18.02) ?
Tried older version of Pangu too , namely 1.1 - didn't work :-( . Could it be my baseband version that's preventing it ? I saw another note n the newer Pangu guide that I should turn AIRPLANE MODE ON when jailbreaking. I shall try that too (just read the screenshot - haven't tried yet).
After jailbreaking, I am tring to get games from
Computer with iTunes software but when I install
The game is not installed I can't play it..I am in problem please give me the solution,what to do after any file have to download by cydia in my iPhone 5s and my version is ios 7.1.2
I used pangu and cydia is installed on my icons
Now what to do..please tell soon as..
I have iPhone 5c did the process and put in new Sim card of different provider and Says the Sim inserted in this device does seem to be supported. Can someone help me please.
Thanks a lot for wonderful guide. I successfully jailbreak iphone 4S-32 GB. Great news is Pongu 1.2.1 shows English language. Bad news is all my installed apps are hidden. Usage shows data exists but no app shown on springboard.
Please help me in this matter.
After following the above instructions I installed the new SIM (from a new carrier) and the iPhone prompted: "The SIM card that you currently have installed in this iPhone is from a carrier that is not supported under the activation policy that is currently assigned by the activation server. This is not a hardware issue with the iPhone. Please insert another SIm card from a supported carrier or request that this iPhone be unlocked by your carrier. Please contact Apple for more information."
Please advise
Maybe its because you didnt actually unlock your phone from your previous carrier so you still cant insert a sim from another carrier, Jailbreaking doesnt unlock your phones carrier status.
Isn't freeing your phone from its original carrier is what jailbreaking is supposed to mean and also what its supposed? so what does jailbreak really mean now???
iam trying to jailbraik my iphone 5s but when i reach the step of pressing the buttom of jailbreak in pangu the program terminate due to a runtime error.
can any one help me please??
i tried to jailbreak my iphone 4 ios 7.1.2. after instaling at reboot. my device is Disabled.
msg shows
"iphone is disabled, try again in 115,350 minutes"
plz help me?
first of all i did not get the check box and second after following the other step the proces starts but in the middle it fails can any one tells me why
i tried so many time but it did not works