Steven Troughton-Smith, developer of Stack for iPhone/iPod touch, has announced he is discontinuing the project due to piracy.
Steven made the following blog post Saturday
----- It is a sad day when I have to wave goodbye to one of my favourite projects, but it's just becoming uneconomical to continue development on Stack for iPhone/iPod touch so I must let it go.
I have to work extra hard as it is on creating things for the App Store, but when people like paniK go ahead and make my software available to pirates and I watch sales vanish overnight, it means I have to spend much more time on marketing and development for my App Store apps to try and offset my losses, leaving no time for projects like Stack that earn me nothing.
There are several hundred thousand users of Stack at the current time; thanks a lot for your support! I'm sorry that I can't continue development - I've put too much effort into it so far at the expense of my other projects (and Real Life™). The only way I can foresee a reversal of this is if either the pirates stop or sales of Lights Off increase; both are looking very unlikely.
Stack will be removed from Cydia soon, so please grab a copy for yourself quick if you wish to keep it. Existing copies should continue to work for any jailbroken 2.x version of iPhone OS.
If money isn't the only thing why don't you buy it ?? And if you don't want to buy or not like the app why the coments ? Why don't you work for free ? Why don't you tell your boss to pay you less next month or even reduce your incoming ?
No coments to coments like this...
dude, how are you gonna put him down like that. u summed it up when u said, " im not a developer". thats the point, hes bending over backwards to make something that a lot of people will like and someone messed it all up. there a difference of when you are pirate software that has a price and when u download free software. by downloading small dev. programs like that you them over which makes the hours of code worthless. so before you go to talk again to someone who has dedicated hours and hours of their time to making something for everyone, think. if theres a price tag on it then its there for a reason. someone worked hard to make that thing and you should well appreciate it and stop being selfish. when your a developer most of the time every little bit of profit counts. so next time you pirate software from a small dev. think... you might just be taking his dinner off the table. appreciate
This is the sad but honest truth of how piracy effects the little people... It does not have the same effect on the billion-dollar movie studios and recording artists, But it does unforgivably kill the little people,
Sorry to see it come to a end