Planetbeing Declares 'The Future is Looking Bright for Jailbreaking'
Posted January 23, 2013 at 6:42am by iClarified
Planetbeing has given us hope that a public jailbreak is near with his latest tweet.
Earlier today the hacker tweeted saying, "Tons of progress the last few days. I think the future is looking bright for jailbreaking. :)"
His tweet was followed up by one from fellow hacker pimskeks who said, "yeah @planetbeing looks like we made some #awesomesauce lately :D"
Progress on the public jailbreak appears to have accelerated after planetbeing teamed up with pod2g to find two new vulnerabilities.
Previously, planetbeing said that its unlikely a jailbreak will be released until iOS 6.1 drops; however, that is expected shortly. If the devs now have enough exploits to retain a failbreak that means we could see a jailbreak release in the very near future.
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should get a pop up at everytime you turn on the ios device that say "if you paid for this jailbreak, get your money back and donate to the right person with a link for the jailbreak"
To Apple executives: Iphone is your flagship product. Jailbreak is value added for your product. No value means less sales. Less sales means....wake up!!!
You could simply not click the link to read. or you could choose not to participate in the comment section. They exist because they attract the attention of viewers like you. Your If enough people ignore these posts that you cannot stand they will disappear.