Spotify today announced Spotify Platform, giving third party developers the opportunity to build innovative, engaging music-based apps.
--- The first generation of Spotify Apps features 16 partner apps, with 12 available from launch today. We've been lucky to partner with some of the brightest and best brands in the world to create engaging, fun, and social apps.
The 13 global partners launching on the Spotify App Finder include Billboard, Fuse, The Guardian,, Moodagent, Pitchfork, Rolling Stone, Songkick, Soundrop, TuneWiki and We Are Hunted, with Top10 and ShareMyPlaylists apps coming soon. We also have three Nordic partners launching local apps, including Tunigo in Sweden which launches today, Gaffa in Denmark and Dagbladet in Norway, which will be launching local Nordic apps soon.
Our integration with Facebook in September has made more people than ever excited about sharing music again, adding more than 7 million new Spotify users in just over two months. And our users have now created more than 500 million playlists, a number which has doubled since just July. ---