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Developers Crack Siri Security Protocol to Make It Work With Any Device

Developers Crack Siri Security Protocol to Make It Work With Any Device

Posted November 14, 2011 at 9:21pm by iClarified
Developers have cracked Siri's security protocols which will make it possible to use the assistant on any device including the iPad or even Android smartphones, according to Applidium.

Here's some of what they discovered:

The iPhone 4S really sends raw audio data. It's compressed using the Speex audio codec, which makes sense as it's a codec specifically tailored for VoIP. The iPhone 4S sends identifiers everywhere. So if you want to use Siri on another device, you still need the identifier of at least one iPhone 4S. Of course we're not publishing ours, but it's very easy to retrieve one using the tools we've written. Of course Apple could blacklist an identifier, but as long as you're keeping it for personal use, that should be alright!

The protocol is actually very, very chatty. Your iPhone sends a tons of things to Apple's servers. And those servers reply an incredible amount of informations. For example, when you're using text-to-speech, Apple's server even reply a confidence score and the timestamp of each word.

Applidium has released the tools they wrote to help them understand the protocol. If you know what you're doing the tools should be enough to help you write a Siri-enabled application.

Hit the link below for more info...

Read More [via Shane]

Developers Crack Siri Security Protocol to Make It Work With Any Device
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Comments (11)
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Tubbs - November 15, 2011 at 6:17pm
I agree 100% Dan !
Andrew - November 14, 2011 at 10:42pm
Who cares... As an ex jailbreak ex pirate after awhile I ended up buying damn near every app and program I " used for educational purposes". As do most people who really needs them... Waiting on hacks is time consuming and counter productive to creativity. Siri is so not that hot... Nobody actually owned the app before Apple bought it. Just like notification... Most people never use al
Robby - November 14, 2011 at 9:43pm
So proud of the people putting their heads together and finding a way to do this .. I bet apple will throw a big fit . When they see this on all other devices not supported .. Very typical of apple instead of allowing everyone the freedom to upgrade their device when they feel ready. Apple puts proprietaries on all new devices , this is why I believe in legitimate Hackintoshes . I've been blabbing too much .. I just wanted to thank anyone who managed to Unlock this feature . Three macros 1 MacBook pro 2.54 2009 3 iPhones 2g 3GS 4S iPod iPod touch MacBook air 2.0 2011 Apple tv 2 hackintoshes
David - November 14, 2011 at 10:03pm
Right, because when Google updates Android, all devices, even those introduced in 2009, get the new features right away!
dt - November 14, 2011 at 10:08pm
Are we talking about an update or reverse engineering a companies IPR? If you can't tell the difference then please stay in school and have someone explain it to you.
David - November 14, 2011 at 10:11pm
Sounds like you mistook my post as a reply to yours rather than to the original poster who wrote "Very typical of apple instead of allowing everyone the freedom to upgrade their device when they feel ready."
dt - November 14, 2011 at 10:22pm
@David, My bad. You get so many people here without a clue it is quite easy to fire off a missive and target the wrong individual.
Nobo1 - November 14, 2011 at 10:55pm
Well said Dave! Go google...Not!
Nobo1 - November 14, 2011 at 10:56pm
Think you're the one that needs firing...
RooBoy - November 15, 2011 at 5:11am
I read in the Age newspaper in Australia today, that SIRI uses a UID to identify 4S devices, apparently Siri requires this UID to access the servers, Apple has apparently stated they will ban all UID used on other devices... from what I read, and the age is shit for getting things right, this essentially prevents this hack from working for long.. so close....
dt - November 15, 2011 at 5:52am
@rooboy, The problem is not the hack but the reverse engineering of Apple code. Reverse engineer is illegal in any country. Apple is well within their right to prosecute anyone for flagrantly violating the law. Reverse engineering the code is a poke in the eye to Apple. Unless Apple allows this, I would not expect to see Siri on anywhere other than iPhone 4S.
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