3. Open iBackupBot and find the backup, then load it.
4. Find Library/Preferences/com.apple.keyboard.plist and open the file. (if your software isn't registered you'll have to press cancel and then it will open)
5. Add in the following code:
6. Save your modifications, and then restore from backup from within iBackupbot.
My iPhone does not have com.apple.keyboard.plist in the backup or using iFile. Not showing anywhere on phone only ref to it was in the cache folder and it wasn't a plist. I've checked /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/ , Library/Preferences/ and every other Preferences location.
iPhone 4 on iOS 5.0.
that's weird! just click the little home icon on ifile then click Library scroll down to Preferences and the first folder is called Firewall scroll down mine is under com.apple.itunesstored.plist
com.apple.keyboard.plist. hope it helps ;)
Its not on the phone period not sure if its cause I've been restoring my iCloud backup since beginning of ios5 beta or what but i can live without it or wait till i restore phone again
This bar is already in use in pretty much any non-Latin keyboard, e.g. Japanese, Chinese, etc. It simply seems not to be enabled by default for the English keyboard.