Comex Responds to Stolen iPad 2 Jailbreak, Warns iPad 2 Users to Save SHSH Blobs
Posted July 2, 2011 at 6:08pm by iClarified
Comex has responded to the leaked iPad 2 jailbreak that was apparently stolen using a possible dictionary attack.
Congratulations, some moron used a dictionary attack(?) to leak a buggy version and put me on a useless time limit.
Let's hope the time limit isn't too short... hasn't been in the past but could always change. Everyone use TinyUmbrella and save 4.3.3.
Hopefully, Apple isn't able to close the exploit before comex finishes the jailbreak. To be safe please follow comex's advice and save your SHSH Blobs using one of the tutorials below...
WHO GIVES A SHIT about 4.3 JB if 5.0 is coming in a few weeks?
I bet his untether is limited to 4.3 only.
The question is: are you willing to give up the truckload of features in iOS 5 for a 4.3 Jailbroken?
i think that pdf vulnerability was still in ios 5 thats why he was waiting. not to sure though. but now it's already leaked apple might patch it before ios 5 realease thats why he is saying about very little time. i could be wrong.
Hopefully this will speed things up - otherwise we wont see JB for iPad2 until the realease of iPad3 or something... :) Looks like we are in need of more iOS-hackkers - the scene is getting really slow with these new releases.
this actually makes the most sense. it would allow him to release an unpolished jailbreak in time before iOS5 without much criticism from the end users.