iPhone Dev-Team Releases Windows Version of RedSn0w to Jailbreak iOS 5.0b1
Posted June 13, 2011 at 1:41am by iClarified
The iPhone Dev-Team has released a Windows version of RedSn0w to jailbreak iOS 5.0b1.
Since apparently Apple now provides Windows iTunes 10.5 for iOS5 and iCloud developers, it’s no longer the case that only Mac owners can legitimately activate their devices. We now provide a Windows version of redsn0w for those developers (only!).
You can learn more about the RedSn0w .9.8b1 release and find the Mac tutorials here. The Windows tutorials are coming shortly.
Remember this is a tethered jailbreak and intended only for developers. Unlockers especially should stay away from this because restoring to iOS 5.0 will upgrade your baseband (unless you use Sn0wBreeze) and UltraSn0w has not been updated for 5.0 yet.
You can download the new Windows version of RedSn0w here.
Why release a tethered version...Tethered is a pain in the ass..everytime you install an app or reboot you gotta carry you laptop around..thats stupid...
When I had a tethered Iphone4 everytime it goes on spleep mode I had to use redsn0w again
I will never install a tethered Version..its nice if you dont have a job just sitting around watch your iphone ...
Please tell that there will be untethered for IOS5???
I am keepig my 4.3.3 till then
Thanks dev team