Do you ever wonder how the events of the Bible fit in with the rest of recorded Ancient history? Where are these places that the Bible mentions? With Holy Week upon us, people from all corners of the globe are contemplating the life and death of Jesus Christ.
The majority of the world's population has never stepped foot in the Middle East or the lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea and so we cannot picture in our mind's eye the places so often referred to in the books of the Bible. Have you ever wished for a portable historical atlas that you can refer to at a moment's notice that will help you locate such places as Nineveh, Galilee, Capernaum, Tyre, Sheba, Ephesis or Malta, which you have heard about in the Bible and ancient world history?
Knowledge Quest, and iHomeEducator have released Map Trek: Ancient World, the first in an app series which blends history with geography for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. Biblical history is incorporated right alongside the other recorded events of Ancient history in this first history and geography app of its kind. Map Trek: Ancient World follows the successful Wonders of Old: Ancient Timeline app.
"The second app with Knowledge Quest is Map Trek: Ancient World. This app also features a timeline, but the subject matter is focused on ancient history using maps. There are ~30 maps along the timeline and the student can tap on any title to see the detailed map. Tap on the map pins and the student will read the description of the area and historical details." Arlene Lee, CEO, iHomeEducator, Inc.
Here is the full list of maps that are included in the first volume of Map Trek - Ancient World (There will eventually be 4 apps in the Map Trek series):
* World Map (landforms) * Descendants of Noah * Mesopotamia * Sumerians * Called Out from Ur * Abraham's Journey * Ancient Africa * Old Kingdom of Egypt * Ancient Egypt * The Exodus * Early Greece * The Promised Land * 12 Tribes of Israel * The Assyrian Empire * Israel's Golden Age * Phoenicia's Trading Empire * Solomon's Kingdom * Israel's Divided Kingdom * Ancient India * Ancient China * The Founding of Rome * Babylonian Empire * The Persian Empire * Greco-Persian Wars * Golden Age of Greece * Ancient Europe * Alexander the Great * The Punic Wars * Palestine during the time of Christ * The Early Church * The Roman Empire * The Roman Empire Divided * Barbarian Invasions
Pop-up information is available at the tap of a finger at push-pin locations on each of the maps to provide historical information about cities, waterways, routes, empires and more. Since these maps are chronological in sequence, you may use them easily with any chronological history program or Bible study. They are meant to enhance your current history study and help you understand the geographical significance of locations in the ancient world.
This is the first in a 4-part series. Look for Medieval, New World and Modern in the months to come.
Also, Wonders of Old Ancient Timeline 4.2 has just been updated with over 40 new historical timeline events. Wonders of Old is a four-part app series, dividing the events of world history into four historical time periods: ancient, medieval, new world and modern. Wonders of Old: Ancient Timeline is the first app in this series.
Pricing and Availability: MapTrek Ancient World 4.0.1 is $9.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Education category.