new iPhone 3gs.. 4.2.1 with new firmware 05.15.04
Greenpois0n worked to JB used RC5b4 and again with rc6Final... because
The CAMERA isn't working any longer.
NO Camera, no MMS creation from Camera..
Everything else seem to work.. cydia installed etc.
Should I try to restore 4.2.1 factory and do Greenpois0n rc6_Final Again??
Any Suggestions?
i just donated $5 dollars i think everyone should throw those guys a little somthing after all if it wasnt for them our iphones would be plain old boring and we would be paying att a extra 20 a month for tethering its these guys who work hard on seeking out code doing all the dirty work so all of us who jailbreak can enjoy our phones
Well Done so have I but I donated £10. Come on guys put your hand in your pocket and give a little, you are after all going to be saving a fortune with all the 'cheap' apps or prgrams you will be installing.
now!!!! we can unlock and jailbreak 3gs new boot room by redsn0w and then by greenpois0n for untethered and we can also remove animation of greenpois0n by iphone browser via /usr/bin and delete animate. reboot and you are done.
No. I had the redsn0w tethered JB installed. I ran GP over it (without doing any restore, etc.) and it put me back exactly how my phone was except now it's untethered. The "Loader" app didn't even show up. I ran GP once (holding the home butting until the apple logo appeared) and that was all I had to do.
Can't wait to try it. Don't forget people to donate a little something for the teams hard work, without our support they cannot keep on doing the good work that they do along with getting the appropriate equipment so we don't have to spend all of money on new devices or programs. If we don't donate we are simply mickey takers and have no right to moan or complain about any delays or even use their work.
I want to use it to jailbreak my ipad but my ipad is full of tools there. Will Greenpois0n delete all the datas in my ipad and do a fresh restore after jailbreaking? or all the datas will be still there after I jailbreak it? Thanks a lot!
WAIT!! do u hear that>>>no bitching or whining.ha ha..geeze just a week ago some were ready to cut your sacs off for not getting things done fast enough and to there whims.Ijust want to tank you so much for being there for us with all the updates.u don't owe us anything BUT! sure glad u r here 4 us thanks again>>>Chronic Dev-Team
I jailbroke my iphone 4 over my redsnow untether and everything worked and came back to what it was without having to restore any themes, sources, apps, etc...Awesome!!!