Check out this terrific transparent case mod for the iPhone 4 discovered online by TUAW. Combine this with a wallpaper of the iPhone 4's internals and you'll have one unique looking device.
The site has been unable to find a way to purchase the mod kit yet. If you have seen it listed for sale, please let us know.
Nostalgic - Reminds me of the Nextels and Nokias BUT the back cover doesnt have a camera lens. Your flash pix will come out HORRIBLE... with a big white ghost on the top half of the pic. I know out of experience from buying a cheap white back without the lens.
It's the reason why we didn't release the white iPhone! There is a light leak on the devices when the LED is on that's why the ghost appears! Your back cover isn't cheap that's just wa happens when you buy a official defective Apple product that wasn't ready.
Maybe because I like it?
Life is not only black and white
I'd love to see colored iPhones without having to spent 1350$ on a Colorware one, I can change the back and front without any help, actually, my 3G has a red housing, it wasn't a big deal ;)