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What You Need to Know Before iOS 4.2 is Released

What You Need to Know Before iOS 4.2 is Released

Posted November 10, 2010 at 10:36am by iClarified
The iPhone Dev-Team has issued a statement in advance of Apple releasing iOS 4.2 to the public. Please read the following carefully to ensure you will be able to retain your untethered jailbreak and unlock into iOS 4.2.

Here’s what you need to know:
● Thanks to geohot’s limera1n exploit, and our original pwnage2 exploit, and @pod2g’s ipod2g-MC exploit, absolutely all devices at all iOS firmware versions are capable of being jailbroken.
● The untethered jailbreak of those very latest FWs and latest devices depends on @comex hacks. His hacks so far extend only to 4.1 and 4.2beta3. He’s working on a way to extend it to 4.2 and beyond. Just wait for him to work out his method.
● iPhone 3G and 3GS unlockers will be covered by our upcoming unlock. Stay away from any updates to Apple FW until our official release and you’ll be okay. Just stay away from all Apple IPSWs :)
● iPhone4 unlockers are not left out in the cold. @sherif_hashim has found some very promising avenues to pursue. Those will be explored as soon as possible after all the 4.2 madness.

What does this mean to you?
● If you’re an unlocker, just stay where you are. Please, just stay where you are. Any mistakes you make now may be permanent.
● If you only care about the jailbreak and you’re absolutely sure you have your personalized 4.1 SHSH hashes, feel free to experiment but keep in mind that any mistakes you make may result in your losing pictures or notes or bookmarks that you’d rather keep. Honestly unless you love living on the bleeding edge, it’s better to just wait for official updates from Cydia/redsn0w/PwnageTool.
● Don’t buy or donate to any unlock or jailbreak scammers. Every legitimate solution you will find for unlocks or jailbreaks will be offered without an extended hand. That’s how the iPhone jailbreak/unlock community has succeeded. It’s about freedom to do what you want with your $300 device — not about donations, egos, tweets, or "interviews."

What You Need to Know Before iOS 4.2 is Released
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Comments (16)
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Jonatan Suarez
Jonatan Suarez - November 12, 2010 at 1:28am
People do not update to Firmware 4.2 until jalikbreak is released. Baseband is upgrade to 5.15.4 so be pacience. i upgrade my iphone 3g to firmware 4.2 and i had a lot of issues... i had to reinstall firmware 4.1 and then i did a jailbreak. My iphone is running on baseband 5.15.4 with cydia installed and firmware 4.1.. so be carefull and do not mess your iphone.... thanks
cemarun - November 11, 2010 at 2:20am
I am Bored of asking this question that i m sure thousands of people care, but i will ask it again. ARE OWNERS OF IPHONE 4 IOS 4.1 AND FIRMWARE 02.10.04 GOING TO BE ABLE TO UNLOCK THEIR DEVICES...:(((
cemarun - November 12, 2010 at 12:41am
everybody other than you
aisnake - November 10, 2010 at 3:02pm
This may sound a stupid question so I will say sorry now! I have an IPhone 4 unlocked with limera1n and could do with advice on how to upgrade to the latest IOS once released. Is it a case of upgrading and then use limera1n once it's been confirmed and tested for 4.2? Do I need to back up my jailbreak apps?
Fido - November 10, 2010 at 3:53pm
Is better that you backup when you are going to updgrade FW, cause, sometimes, shit happen. Normally some cydia apps don't work well on new FWs, making your iPhone to crash constantly, I recommend to install them manually again and not to restore from backup, you can use apps like PkgBackup to keep a list of all your cydia apps and backup them if you want, and you can use AppBackup to backup all the info on appstore apps, very useful when you want to save specific apps data.
neonshad0w - November 10, 2010 at 4:30pm
Use TinyUmbrella's TSS Server while updating the iPhone 4 to 4.2, this will allow you to keep the 1.59 baseband. Then jailbreak via redsn0w, ensuring to use the 4.1 firmware, and install ultrasn0w.
Steve1010 - November 20, 2010 at 9:33pm
Limera1n or greenpois0n are jailbreaking tool. They are not unlocking anything. Ultrasn0w is what you need after jailbreaking you phone. As of now, Ultrasn0w version 1.1-1 only unlock up to 5.13 on iPhone 3G and 3GS and 1.59 on iPhone 4 baseband. Hopefully they will release ultrasn0w 1.1-2 soon for baseband 5.14 and 2.10
AWESOME - November 10, 2010 at 12:39pm
This means 4.1 unlock comin soon.. i can wait to unlock my bros iphone 3G which i accidentally locked :)) Thank you Dev-Team / GeoHot/ Saurik and all the others for their time and work. HC
Noman - November 10, 2010 at 12:26pm
Why the ShSh Blogs are neede? Are they only for keeping downgrade as option or is there another purpose?
Fido - November 10, 2010 at 3:56pm
In case you 'accidentally' upgrade your iPhone and lose your unlock, it can save your life =], and it's useful when you want to try out some betas.
Noman - November 11, 2010 at 1:39am
Upgrade 'accidently' - is that even possible..if r not absolutely noob.!?
Kishan - November 10, 2010 at 11:10am
When can i expect (approx date) to get the unlock for iphone 3G OS 4.1 ?
Interrupter Jones
Interrupter Jones - November 10, 2010 at 11:24am
A day after it's completed. Stop rushing the teams. You're not paying for the service and they don't owe you anything. Not a date, not a time. Relax.
WJ - November 10, 2010 at 12:40pm
Good one JC......
Interrupter Jones
Interrupter Jones - November 10, 2010 at 1:46pm
@JC, Speaking of overreacting to people's commments, do I REALLY need to seek psychiatric help for mine? If so, I'll jump on my phone and call whomever you use. They must be good. I only responded the way I did is because it seems like EVERY time there is a post about jailbreak/unlock/iOS updates, someone ALWAYS has to ask the asinine question of "when is my unlock coming?" It comes when it comes. They DON'T owe him anything. He should be patient or get a phone that works on his telephone service provider. So can you give me that number now so I can get whatever kind of help you're getting?
dev supporter
dev supporter - November 10, 2010 at 5:24pm
yah, everyone feels entitled to something, thing is, wait like a good little boy like everyone else mostly does. Do you spend time on working on the unlocks, jailbreaks or anything, if not, your NOT entitled to anything.
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