Now that Instapaper is an independent company, it has announced the relaunch of Instapaper Premium, a subscription tier that costs $2.99/month or $29.99/year and the return of Instapaper to European Union users.
The company says Instapaper Premium will help ensure it can continue developing and operating the app into the future.
Instapaper Premium includes: ● Full-text search for all articles in your account ● Unlimited Notes ● Text-to-Speech playlists on mobile ● Speed reading to get through all of your articles up to 3x faster ● An ad-free Instapaper website ● “Send to Kindle” using a bookmarklet or our mobile apps
If you decide to not subscribe to Instapaper Premium, you will continue with a standard free account without access to Premium features. EU users will get a free six month subscription as an apology for Instapaper's down time.
We’ve updated our privacy policy to include the rights afforded to EU users under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Additionally, in the interest of transparency, we are posting our privacy policy to GitHub where you can view a versioned history of all the changes to our privacy policy.
You can download Instapaper from the App Store for free.