Instagram Now Lets You Share Feed Posts to Stories
Posted May 17, 2018 at 9:05pm by iClarified
Instagram today announced the ability to share feed posts to your story.
When you come across something in feed that inspires you — like a post from a friend raising money for a cause or a photo of a new design from your favorite brand — you can now quickly share that post as a sticker to your story for your friends and followers to see.
How It Works: To share a feed post to your story, tap the paper airplane button below the post, just as you would to send it via Direct. At the top, you’ll now see the option to create a story. Tap it to see the feed post as a sticker with a customized background ready to share to your story. You can rotate, scale and move the sticker — and tap it to explore other styles.
All posts shared to stories display the original poster’s username. When you see a post in someone’s story, you can tap it to check out the original post and see more from the person who created it. You can only share posts from public accounts. If you don’t want your posts shared to stories by other people, you can easily opt out in settings.
Instagram can be downloaded from the App Store for free.