Check out these concept images for a next generation iPhone SE 2. Created by designer Martin Hajek the device features an improved camera and solid rear cover. You can download the model from TurboSquid.
Apple is rumored to be working on an update to the iPhone SE but there are conflicting reports on when it could arrive. Recently an unverified video surfaced which claimed to show the device in action.
Who cares about the same look? What is that going to change feature wise? I'm tried of people wanting a new look and turning down a product just for that. Just be happy with what the finished product is. I don't care about how something appears but rather what it can withstand. I'll take an ugly looking phone that at least is water resistant over a beautiful one that isn't resisted to nothing. Hence the MacBook Air has stayed the same, but people aren't complaining because their's a fine line between looks and functionality. Not really clueless when you think about it. As far as tweaks go, the concept (despite near realistic looks) by fans cranking out ideas is what always less than the real thing we get out of an operating system let alone jailbreaking to custom what you want. Not hating, just clearing up.
Agreed. The SE (iPhone 5) is one of the most perfectly designed phones and many love it’s smaller size and ultra-portability. Don’t need to change much at this point.