G0blin Jailbreak Released for 64-bit, A7-A9 iPhones Running iOS 10.3.x [Download]
Posted January 13, 2018 at 8:59pm by iClarified
G0blin, a jailbreak for 64-bit devices prior to the iPhone 7 (A7 - A9) running iOS 10.3.x , has been released by Sticktron.
The jailbreak is currently described as a 'work in progress'. The first release candidate has been nuked and RC1 is now available to download from here. It's installed via Cydia Impactor.
If you're not a developer, we recommend you wait until the final version has been released.
Ingredients: ● v0rtex kernel exploit by Siguza, vuln by Ian beer, POC by windknown ● kpp bypass, sandbox, codesigning from yalu102 by Luca Todesco ● additional sandbox work from h3lix by tihmstar ● patchfinder from extra_recipe by Xerub ● additional patchfind work from async_wake_fun by ninjaprawn
Notes: Spawns an SSH server listening on port 2222. Remember to change your passwords! ● user: root password: alpine ● user: mobile password: alpine
Known Issues: ● Touch ID does not work in App Store apps while in jailbroken mode
Before there were lot of benefits to jailbreak and have awesome apps and do amazing things, right now I don’t know if there is any need at all to jailbreak when most stuffs are already baked in. Can someone tell me just 3 reasons why jailbreaking is still awesome ? I know for sure that some banking apps won’t work anymore after you have already jailbroken your phone, such as Barclays Bank app.
If you can't figure out why Jailbreaking is still viable today then you should leave the Jailbreaking community. There are many little annoyances that bug the crap out of me and I can't change it with a locked iOS. That stupid friggen volume status display bugs the crap out of me. Why do that Apple, why??? I would rather my pages scroll infinitely left or right. That stupid dock at the bottom of the screen can go. Why is it needed? I want to see more of my wallpaper. Take those damn names off the apps and folders on my pages...but leave them on IN the folders. Transparent folders!? YES Please. I want YouTube to play while it's minimized but Apple says No, you can't do that. Animojis...Well...Why the fack is it limited to TEN seconds??? Stupid! I want unlimited time on that. I want to be able to customize the hell out of my device. I went from iOS 9.0.2. to 11.1.2 and that music app changed. I DO NOT want to see my "Library" when I open it. I want to see my SONGS. Jailbreaking can change all of this. These are only SOME examples of why Jailbreaking is STILL necessary.
CarPlay with Google Maps, CarPlay with google Maps and CarPlay with google Maps. (Instead of Apple Maps). Thats 3 things why Jailbreaking rocks, sir. But you have to have a car...like me:)
After first error attempt, I gave 2nd attempt and cydia appeared but it's not opening. It's working very fine with my iPhone 5s on iOS 10.3.2 but some problem with iphone SE on iOS 10.3.3
I dunno...my first attempt i got kernel error then restart my phone and tried again after waiting 90 sec then it worked with full cydia support without issues - iOS 10.3.3 iphone 6s plus