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Source Code for iOS 10.2 Jailbreak Posted

Source Code for iOS 10.2 Jailbreak Posted

Posted January 26, 2017 at 3:13am by iClarified
The source code for a jailbreak of iOS 10.2 has been posted to GitHub by Luca Todesco but it's currently being described as incomplete.

incomplete iOS 10.2 jailbreak for 64 bit devices by qwertyoruiopz and marcograssi

Todesco announced that he was planning to add iOS 10.2 support to his yalu jailbreak of iOS 10.1.1 earlier this month. However, he has become frustrated with some in the jailbreak community and recently tweeted that after dropping the jailbreak for 10.2 he would stop all public iOS research.

PSA: I will stop all public iOS research after I drop that 10.2 thing. The idiocy of the jailbreak community is too much to handle for me.

Reddit user drake90001 has already used the source code to get Yalu 10.2 working; although the jailbreak is very unstable at the moment and mobile substrate does not work.

Just need the correct offsets and off you go. rootvnode is the harder one as it has never been posted, you must find yourself.

Todesco has yet to comment on whether he plans to release a compiled jailbreak or just the source code. We'll be monitoring the situation closely. Please follow iClarified on Twitter, Facebook, or RSS for updates.

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Source Code for iOS 10.2 Jailbreak Posted
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Comments (8)
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Xae - January 26, 2017 at 1:56pm
Y'all kill me with these jailbreaks I mean y'all complain that there isn't one lol it's the people like you that make the people that create them not even do it anymore like be grateful that there's people out there trying to to even make them still that type of stuff is hard to do
DddDavid - January 26, 2017 at 11:04am
And the award for Worst jailbreak released
D4xM4Nx - January 26, 2017 at 7:26am
Totally saw this coming the first time this Todesco character said he would release a jaibreak 'tool'... Showing how immature and stupid his strategies are, he doesn't deserve the trust reputable hacker groups like Pangu, TaiG, Evad3rs, Chronic Dev team, Dev team, etc always got from me. Being wary and cautious kept me on iOS 9.3.3 and with a perfectly working jailbreak. His rant amusing, trust denied. NEXT.
odedoo1 - January 26, 2017 at 4:44am
Luca shouldn't have opened his big mouth in the first place!
odedoo1 - January 26, 2017 at 4:42am
I bet that all his devices are fully untethered jail broken perfectly but using secrets that he don't want Apple to know about. Also never before a jailbreak was announced before it was ready, he probably first sold out to Apple got the $200,000 reward and only then announced, giving Apple time to close iOS 10.1.X which was supposed to stay opened for at least 2 more weeks, totally fucckking us up because usually we get a fully working jailbreak and time to restore if things don't go wright the first few times. That's Luca for you, loves to show off but not share. I really hope that Pangu are still in the picture working behind the seen secretly and will drop a fully working a jailbreak for iOS 10.2.X or 10.3.X because if Pangu is out we can probably say goodbye to future jailbreaking which will cause a huge drop of Apple sells ( millions of jail breakers will move to Android, already millions did, what will that do to Apple stocks?), even me an Apple Addict which never in my life though of moving to Android am starting to crack, and I own 3 Shops/Labs selling and fixing 100s of devices a month, can take any brand new device right out of the warehouse when ever I feel like it which I always did but only Apple making sure that my whole family owns Apple, I guess life is unpredictable!
odedoo1 - January 26, 2017 at 4:48am
What was it that Steve Jobs said? " Apple is five years ahead of the competition " well the 5 years have passed a long time ago!!!
Dude - January 26, 2017 at 5:48am
Yeah that is spot on. He didn't give anything and he acting like he released a HUGE jailbreak tool. Pangu has character since the only way they communicate is through TOOL RELEASES. Luca is like the Donald Trump of jailbreaking. He is twitter crazy and really cares of what people tweet him. Guy is drama.
Moz - January 26, 2017 at 3:20am
Ain't that a bitch?
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