"[S]" = Fake. Three black dots (smart what?): Fake. 8 Holes for each "stereo speaker" while the actual mono only has 6? : Fake. White Front Panel sensors : Fake. Well, well... good journalism iClarified.
I just don't get it with Apple anymore. It now seems like what the "new" iPhone is getting in features is nothing new! The things it's getting you could of gotten from a Samsung 3-4 years ago. Waterproofing, better camera? Samsung has always had the best camera compared to apple.
1. From what the iPhone getting clearly is new besides what you mentioned except waterproof since s7 was considered a fail against trying to be fully waterproof which the company wished, 2. Samsung never made a dual camera compared to what the 7 plus and pro is getting to begin with, hence we don't know how it can function, but even if Samsung did have a big camera, it's because it's twice the size of iPhone's camera so there's no excuse for iPhone to be this bad, but it looks just as good from what we seen from 'Shot on iPhone' campaign. 3. When it comes to not only new sized iPhones combined with the parts they are built with, that's where different versions of the same iOS names is based on the iPhone model. 3D Touch in iPhone 6S: haptic feedback with a tiny motor and force touch display. iPhone 5s and later: Touch I.D.! iPhone 6 and later: Apple Pay. You get the point!
If there's no antenna jack, there's no sale. Bluetooth technology is too unreliable and I have yet to find a pair of Bluetooth headphones with drivers big enough to reproduce bass.
By the way. The ad on the bottom of this page steals focus every time it changes. Why do mobile programmers get paid to do such shoddy work?
Haha. Oops. I meant headphone jack!
And no I don't care about lightning this or that. I am in the middle of dealing with replacing proprietary Apple cords already for inflated prices. I'm not interested in extending that chore to headphones, which will not be made on the same variety as what's currently out there for 3.5 and we will likely be stuck with the same tinny trebly poorly balanced pieces of crap Apple ships in the box now. I am very particular about my sound and I need that sound to be reproduced in a variety of environments including out in the open when on a loud Ducati on the freeway. Apple is not going to provide for that.
Tell that to the slightly larger camera cutout, redone antenna bands, the 2nd speaker grill with no headphone jack, and whatever isn't revealed on the inside yet. Lawl BTW if it were a 6ss, where do you see that name on the back? LAWLOLAWL