Bernie Sanders Wishes Apple Would Manufacture Devices in America, Pay Fair Share of Taxes
Posted April 6, 2016 at 2:04am by iClarified
Bernie Sanders, a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States, was asked if Apple is destroying the fabric of America in an interview with the Daily News Editorial Board. Sanders said that Apple was not but he wished they would manufacture in America and stop trying to avoid paying taxes.
Daily News: You’ve said that the greed of Wall Street and corporate America is destroying the fabric of our nation. So if we can get particular: For example, in corporate America, Apple happens to be celebrating, today, its 40th birthday. It's a company that grew from nothing to 115,000 permanent employees. And I'm wondering, is Apple destroying the fabric of America?
Bernie Sanders: No, Apple is not destroying the fabric of America. But I do wish they'd be manufacturing some of their devices, here, in the United States rather than in China. And I do wish that they would not be trying to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.
His comments are similar to Donald Trump's, who said "We're going to get Apple to start building their damn computers and things in this country instead of in other countries."
You can read or listen to Sanders' full interview at the link below...
The MacPro is made in America. The US does not have the number of skilled techs or factories to make the phones in the US and at what increased cost. Apple pays the taxes it owes. What Bernie wants is for money earned overseas to be forced to be brought home and then pay 40% taxes, the same as on US sales. Hardly fair! Find some other way to pay for your free stuff Bernie!
Make a climate in the US where it makes business sense for Apple to make products here, and they will. They make the Mac Pro here, because it makes sense to do so. And yes, they sell worldwide, and have issues because India wants Apple to manufacture there. How many manufacturing sites worldwide make sense?
Apple is a company that sells its products world wide. If America tries to force it to manufacture its products in America where there aren't any of the infrastructure, skills and capability to support that, then Apple will close shop in America and open in a different country that have those things. Go ahead, kill the goose that lays the golden egg. Apple avoids paying taxes? Why don't you guys change the laws about how taxes are calculated? Don't blame a company that plays by the rules!
Exactly ! Bernie seems to miss the point that the kids that graduate our colleges today can't make change for a buck, want $50K to make coffee and have zero ambition. But I guess that's how Bernie got to run for President and why he is capturing the young vote. Here a tip for the young. When the wealthy get tired of paying for the poor or when the poor tip the balance and become a unsustainable majority then it's more efficient for the wealthy to kill the poor off and adjust the world population.
C'mon put out a bernie sanders article and still bring up trump in the end. The media loves to hate trump. Its so inconsiderate that media outlets go out of their way to smear a man speaking his mind. The media is killing first amendment. Say something media disagrees with ur screwed.....
Would it be a good idea if apple moved majority of its company out side of america? ... what with FBI trying to dictate what they do and threatening apple ....and politicians saying that they will get apple to build its products in america! its sounding so 'communistic' and like a dictatorship's not what we all perceived it to be and what America is always fighting against 'communism ' ! Just a thought