Pangu Will Release First Jailbreak for the New Apple TV 4 Next Week
Posted March 11, 2016 at 5:23pm by iClarified
The Pangu Team has announced that it will release a jailbreak for the new Apple TV 4 next week. This will be the first time the device has been jailbroken.
The team made the announcement on Twitter.
We will release jb for Apple TV4(9.0.x) next week which only has SSH access. It's mainly for security researchers and jailbreak developers.
It's been a very long time since the Apple TV has been jailbroken so this is a pretty exciting development for the jailbreak community. With the new, more powerful Apple TV 4, we could see some exciting stuff from developers.
Earlier today Pangu released a jailbreak for iOS 9.1. More information on that here.
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I have been a long time jail breaker of the iPhone, but I have no clue as to the advantage of jail breaking an Apple TV. What benefit is there other than kodi ?
In my case I can just use Infuse with a HDD connected to my network and I never have an issue so I will not be JB'ing as again in my case I see no purpose for it.
I'm not playing this game anymore with apple. It's all great when JB is out and then few months down the road when some apps update you cannot use them without upgrading to the latest firmware. I experienced that with Netflix, HBO Go, etc. So, as alternative I switched to Amazon Fire TV and so far, so good. No more worries about JB and is Kodi running very good.
No, why would I need jailbreak if kodi is built in? It's a mediocre mediaplayer but if Apple would allow kodi in appstore it could be an awesome mediaplayer.
Good news. Now i have to look for the deals on atv4. I still cant justify paying $150 on media player that cant output 4K streaming. I hope JB tweak can make it happen.