iOS Market Share Increases in the United States, Apple Music Makes List of Top 15 Apps [Chart]
Posted September 4, 2015 at 4:30pm by iClarified
Apple was the top smartphone manufacturer in the U.S. for July 2015 with 44.2% OEM market share, reports comScore. Google's Android remained the top smartphone platform with 51.4% market and Facebook ranked as the top app.
Smartphone OEM Market Share 191.4 million people in the U.S. owned smartphones (77.1 percent mobile market penetration) during the three months ending in July. Apple ranked as the top OEM with 44.2 percent of U.S. smartphone subscribers (up 1.1 percentage points from April). Samsung ranked second with 27.3 percent market share, followed by LG with 8.7 percent (up 0.3 percentage points), Motorola with 4.9 percent and HTC with 3.5 percent.
Smartphone Platform Market Share Android ranked as the top smartphone platform in July with 51.4 percent market share, followed by Apple with 44.2 percent (up 1.1 percentage points from July), Microsoft with 2.9 percent, BlackBerry with 1.3 percent and Symbian with 0.1 percent.
Top Smartphone Apps Facebook ranked as the top smartphone app, reaching 73.3 percent of the app audience, followed by Facebook Messenger (59.5 percent), YouTube (59.3 percent) and Google Search (52 percent). Notably, Apple Music made the top 15 list in 14th place.