Designer Martin Hajek has created a concept that imagines what an Apple flip phone might look like.
In Japan these huge flip-phones are called ‘garakei’ and they are still very popular, despite the iPhone also gaining marketshare in the land of the rising sun. What if Apple ever decided to make an iPhone especially for the Japanese market? Introducing the…garakeiPhone!
The device comes in gold, space grey and rose gold.
Take a look below and let us know what you think in the comments...
Did anyone else notice that this thing has 2 home buttons?! Also that the one inside the phone is on the top near the flip up screen?!!! Who is going to reach way up there to use a home button?!!! Also, the last picture certainly appears to show that the two parts of the phone are detachable, how much would this piece of crap cost?!?!
Twice than the 6 would. Not to mention how this would break the part that holds these two together where it's the turning part of the phone. I don't see how this concept works like that anyway.
i live in Japan, I'd like to see the data or information (outside of opinion) that flops are popular or coming back.
It won't happen especially when developing for those phones are a pain in the butt. Just no money there either.
Best to let it die.
I sense major breakage problems -- between the Flip Screen, and Main Body -- with this concept. Considering the need for mobile devices to be manufactured from thin to thinner these days ... I doubt, that even with bumper/case protection, that this type of iPhone could withstand certain types of drops. Here in Helsinki, I see all types of people (mostly younger, but not all), walking around with €500 and above iPhones, with cracked screens and dented bevels ... because they choose not to cover and protect their investment(s). For those people, who carry their iDevices uncovered/unprotected, just to show off their Mobile Status Symbols ... I say, Good Luck with that ;D