Since the TaiG jailbreak didn't work much of the time (getting stuck at 60%, while the TaiG team has been chasing it's tail about the 20% errors), I'm anxious to see whether the PP jailbreak is any more reliable than TaiG's.
I jailbroke my phone with TaiG, but couldn't succeed with my iPad, which reacts strangely following a half dozen failed JBs.
Apple knew about this going in. In fact there have been for a while now official App Store apps that detect jailbreak, and change their behavior based on it. The Directv App is one. Jailbreaking is legal. Either way IOS 9 will be rootless which should in Apple's theory prevent this from happening. I a lot of these bugs are used in China for their own App Stores, which Apple definitely knows about.
As long as there's hackers there will be a jailbreak. Regardless of what Apple may think. And I will laugh my ass off when iOS 9 is jailbroken within 24 hours.