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Pangu Team Demonstrates iOS 8.3 Jailbreak, Possible Release Soon?

Pangu Team Demonstrates iOS 8.3 Jailbreak, Possible Release Soon?

Posted June 6, 2015 at 4:50am by iClarified
The Pangu Team has demonstrated a jailbreak of iOS 8.3 at the MOSEC security conference in Shanghai, according to Tools4Hack.

The report is in Japanese and quite difficult to translate; however, it appears as though the reporter is hopeful that we could see the team release a jailbreak once iOS 8.4 drops.

“If I had to take a guess, since the pangu team is the kind of team to put out jail break tools pretty quickly, depending on the development situation. once ios8.4 is released, they should definitely have a jail break in a couple of days.”

"But, on the 8th (japan time 9th at 2am), the official iOS 8.4 release date is to be announced, so all we can do in the mean time is wait."

The Pangu Team successively released untethered jailbreak tools for iOS 7.1.x and iOS 8.0-8.1 back in 2014 and was the first to publicly jailbreak iOS 8. It's unclear if their iOS 8.3 jailbreak will work on iOS 8.4; however, we've already seen a jailbreak of iOS 8.4 beta 1 demonstrated by i0n1c, so it's definitely a possibility.

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Read More [via EvilPenguin] [Thanks: Chris Fontas]

Pangu Team Demonstrates iOS 8.3 Jailbreak, Possible Release Soon?

Pangu Team Demonstrates iOS 8.3 Jailbreak, Possible Release Soon?
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Comments (13)
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Cruel1 - June 7, 2015 at 4:11am
They should wait so they don't burn the last few exploits that are left.
cheeky5555 - June 7, 2015 at 2:23am
COMMAN give us the release v date before i go overboard to now this week PANGU RULES
odedoo1 - June 6, 2015 at 11:32pm
It seems that Apple is postponing the release of iOS 8.4 because of the new music streaming which is not completed yet or the licensing is not ready so we might have to wait a few more weeks for the jailbreak, I believe it would be better then releasing for iOS 8.3 which is still full of bugs that I'm sure that Apple fixed many of them on 8.4 and if they will release the jailbreak now, Apple will block it on 8.4 so a couple of weeks can't hurt.
iProService - June 7, 2015 at 2:14am
I hope the actually wait on release, unless they know the exploits were burned.
MUKAI - June 6, 2015 at 6:56pm
Ehhh still on iOS 8.1 without any worries or updates. Been with 8.1 since it came out and since then I been enjoying my jailbreak with many tweaks.
JollySonX - June 8, 2015 at 6:48am
Yeh I'm sat their atm but looking at the watch, the only app is miss is my call recorder if i update, hopefully their wont be a jailbreak until the watch goes in store lol
yessss - June 6, 2015 at 1:38pm
finally, great battery life ios with a jailbreak ! i'm so happyyyyy
 Ah yes
Ah yes - June 6, 2015 at 11:22am
This is what we all have been waiting for!
jahid khan
jahid khan - June 6, 2015 at 11:15am
Release date ?
Boss - June 6, 2015 at 11:00am
You gotta be kidding me
Mas22 - June 6, 2015 at 7:14am
If this is a reality, then, thank you dev's! 8.1.2 crashed, stuck on 8.2, feels like a brick.
odedoo1 - June 6, 2015 at 6:37am
That was my hardest decision, give up the jailbreak upgrade and use the Apple Watch or wait. After more then 2 weeks with the Apple Watch sitting in my draw I couldn't take it any more and made the mistake of upgrading so I can use the new Watch! All I can say is that I rather have my tweaks back and Apple can have their watch back!!!!
BryanD-a - June 6, 2015 at 6:16am
I kinda figured someone was sitting on guess it's time for me to get an I watch now
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