Sony Pictures is looking for another director for its Steve Jobs movie following aggressive demands by David Fincher for compensation and control of the project, according The Hollywood Reporter.
Fincher is said to be seeking a hefty $10 million up front in fees, as well as control over marketing, in negotiations with the studio. Sony allowed him considerable input into the marketing of the 2011 film The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, including honoring his request to use the tagline "The feel bad movie of Christmas" in its campaign. A source says Fincher also had the studio create metal, razor-blade-shaped one-sheet materials for the film that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to produce but were not suitable for display in theaters.
A source told the site that Fincher could possibly re-enter negotiations; however, the fee he is currently seeking is 'ridiculous'. “You’re not doing Transformers here. You’re not doing Captain America. This is quality — it’s not screaming commerciality. He should be rewarded in success but not up front,” said the source.
Fincher had been pushing for Christian Bale to play the late Steve Jobs. Steve Wozniak is currently signed on to consult and Aaron Sorkin is writing the screenplay based on the biography by Walter Isaacson.