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Early iPhone 5 Customers Told Apple They Wanted Longer Battery Life, Better Maps, Bigger Screen

Early iPhone 5 Customers Told Apple They Wanted Longer Battery Life, Better Maps, Bigger Screen

Posted April 7, 2014 at 10:52pm by iClarified
Early iPhone 5 customers told Apple they wanted a longer battery life, improved built-in Maps, and a bigger screen amongst other changes, according to another document from the Apple vs Samsung trial.

Apple asked early iPhone 5 buyers: "What one thing would you add to or change about the iPhone?".

Here's their response:
1. Longer battery life
2. Improve built-in Maps
3. Bigger screen
4. Unhappy with switch to Lightning
5. Ability to customize the look and function of phone
6. Improve Siri functionality
7. More durable/less fragile

Notably, internal Apple analysis determined that screen size and price were the reasons for the iPhone's slowed growth rate.

[via @jyarow] [via Dwayne]

Early iPhone 5 Customers Told Apple They Wanted Longer Battery Life, Better Maps, Bigger Screen
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El Compa
El Compa - April 8, 2014 at 8:55am
I remember when apple was innovative and ahead of all of us. Then Steve Jobs died. Such a shame, he would've had something cool again for us by now.
gamerscul9870 - April 8, 2014 at 10:40am
And we do. The camera is what made iPhone tons better. With burst mode zi can get lightning shots, with slowmo it's easier to see things in background if one things zooms by too fast and use it to see it, the flash though, I couldn't be any happier, but if their is one things apple did without Steve, they made a Mac unlike any other, a computer nothing else came close to, tell me were there computers that are the most powerful but now small as the new Mac Pro? Doesn't that seem exciting for you? No? Well there's the shame you thought wrong.
vueapp - April 8, 2014 at 7:00am
it's just a different market now. before it's apple tells us what we want. now it's whatever the market trend is. customers has the power now because of viable competition e.g. samsucks. apple shouldn't be afraid of copying to be better. companies copy to follow market trend. samsucks copy the fingerprint, apple copied smaller tablet size etc the list goes on and on. if steve's roadmap included remaining one hand use, they must deviate to stay competitive. 1. bigger screen = bigger phone real estate = bigger battery. 2. non issue when google maps app came out. but to be honest, the sudden change to apple maps in beta form was a bad move. 3. ok yes bigger screen, two sizes please thanks 4. non issue i think now because 3rd party licensing of cables. 5. ahem jailbreak thanks jailbreak community. 6. i think they took a step back by defaulting to wikipedia, google is just better. 7. is an empty complaint. if you are abusive with your phone then buy the appropriate case. well i can't complain about consumers wanting better though. apple should implement waterproofing or resisting of the phone. the technology is there. do it.
vueapp - April 8, 2014 at 6:55am
it's just a different market now. before it's apple tells us what we want. now it's whatever the market trend is. customers has the power now because of viable competition e.g. samsucks. apple shouldn't be afraid of copying to be better. companies copy to follow market trend. samsucks copy the fingerprint, apple copied smaller tablet size etc the list goes on and on. if steve's roadmap included remaining one hand use, they must deviate to stay competitive. 1. bigger screen = bigger phone real estate = bigger battery. 2. non issue when google maps app came out. but to be honest, the sudden change to apple maps in beta form was a bad move. 3. ok yes bigger screen, two sizes please thanks 4. non issue i think now because 3rd party licensing of cables. 5. ahem jailbreak thanks jailbreak community. 6. i think they took a step back by defaulting to wikipedia, google is just better. 7. is an empty complaint. if you are abusive with your phone then buy the appropriate case. well i can't complain about consumers wanting better though. apple should implement waterproofing or resisting of the phone. the technology is there. do it.
Mike Power
Mike Power - April 8, 2014 at 4:59am
It simply means again that apple is getting it right?, which means that is copying samsung.
Nicko - April 8, 2014 at 5:57am
So your logic is that Samsung have a monopoly on screen sizes larger than what Apple has released? Or your logic is that because Apple is surveying their customers who are asking for larger screens from their products (among other agenda) they are copying Samsung. Hmm #iforgotscreesizeistheinnovationofthedecade
Mike Power
Mike Power - April 8, 2014 at 1:01pm
Look at The Big lie, and then coment
gamerscul9870 - April 8, 2014 at 2:00pm
Look, a big gimmick with no proof, now that's samsheep for ya.
Mike Power
Mike Power - April 8, 2014 at 3:59am
You sir Kamatis got another 100% on my behalf. I could have not said it any better.
Yme - April 8, 2014 at 2:14am
All I want is a JAILBREAK available for every firmware And Bigger screen .
xhun - April 8, 2014 at 12:44am
this would just mean, that apple thought that most of their customers want a bigger screen (regardless of how true is that), and now if they do release a bigger screen in iPhone 6, it would mean they purposefully fed us the still "perfect size" with iPhone 5s, so they can keep bigger screen as a selling point for future iPhones.
gamerscul9870 - April 8, 2014 at 12:53am
There is always a reason they claim anything the way it is, remember how ip5 became the thinnest smartphone 2 years ago, when they released any new products after that, they weren't thinner than anyone elses because they are honest, but compare that to screen size, they gave a real explination to why that iPhone to is the perfect size because of one hand use as said in their "introducing iPhone 5" video, technically saying they would have to explain to why they will now make the screen bigger. Samscum could have had a chance with that. Still, it doesn't change the fact how perfect 4" is.
DarkSide - April 8, 2014 at 5:16am
They're worse than politicians, with their lies and flip flopping.
Nicko - April 8, 2014 at 6:20am
I have always appreciated the logic of the ergonomics of the slimmer width of iPhones compared to most other phones. Compared to Galaxies for example iPhone's have always been easier to get more thumb coverage sitting the phone in one position in your palm and I can palm a basketball so I can only imagine how it is for smaller hands, must be like me trying to hold a iPad mini in one hand! So the sizing of the iPhone has to me been just common sense. After all it's a phone, if you're too cheap to buy independent devices for specific purposes then buy a larger phone no one will ultimately care what you do. Having said this however I could manage it and in addition I can see some compelling reasons why a larger screen than the 4" is ideal for some folks. - higher percieved value for money (more is more to some though I assume it will cost more) - more screen real-estate means more versatile viewing I guess (particularly for video- get a tablet proper then?) - People just like to be spoiled for choice even if there is no logic in what they think they want. It's not like Apple cant make a larger phone, it's that they fulfilled the design brief from their own unique perspective. After all it is a phone and its not like peoples hand sizes are increasing at an alarming rate (if at all)- it's simply perception and choice preference. I hope Apple make a range of sizes- im curious to see how they'd go about addressing that design problem and even more curious how the sales would change.
xhun - April 8, 2014 at 9:28am
something tells me we won't see a larger iphone similar to samsung/htc phones, apple will loose if they enter the spec fights, furthermore they'll be branded as copycats or loosers, already many people are doing that only at the rumors of larger screen. their tactic is to be different (which has been working so far), they used the same reasoning with cpu (64bit vs. more cores & mhz), they didn't enter megapixel wars in camera, they didn't add NFC, etc... I think we will see an even taller iPhone, and the screen extending to the edges (right & left) keeping the overall width the same. this way they can maneuver around "different", "unique", "still the perfect size" & "bigger screen".
xhun - April 8, 2014 at 9:29am
something tells me we won't see a larger iphone similar to samsung/htc phones, apple will loose if they enter the spec fights, furthermore they'll be branded as copycats or loosers, already many people are doing that only at the rumors of larger screen. their tactic is to be different (which has been working so far), they used the same reasoning with cpu (64bit vs. more cores & mhz), they didn't enter megapixel wars in camera, they didn't add NFC, etc... I think we will see an even taller iPhone, and the screen extending to the edges (right & left) keeping the overall width the same. this way they can maneuver around "different", "unique", "still the perfect size" & "bigger screen".
Mike Power
Mike Power - April 7, 2014 at 11:48pm
they forgot to mention better cell phones overall.
gamerscul9870 - April 8, 2014 at 12:48am
And this chart shows what makes it better, what else is there?
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