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iFile 2 Has Been Released in Cydia, Features a New Design for iOS 7

iFile 2 Has Been Released in Cydia, Features a New Design for iOS 7

Posted December 30, 2013 at 5:32pm by iClarified
iFile 2 has been released in Cydia by Carsten Heinelt bringing a new icon, buttons, and design for iOS 7.

iFile is a complete file manager and viewer running under user root. iFile gives you full access to your jailbroken device's files, like Finder does on your desktop Mac. iFile is your tool for advanced management and customization of files on your device.

2.0.0-1 - Feature and Bugfix Release (iOS 4.x and later)
● Enhancements
○ Enhanced iFile to be compatible with iOS 7 including new icon, buttons, and iOS 7 look and feel.

● Fixes
○ Fixed crash when used tried to enter a PayPal registration email address (only required for people who did not buy in Cydia Store).
○ iFile could not be terminated on iOS 7 via the App Switcher. This could only be fixed by always exiting it when you background it. However, it will stay active for another 180 seconds after backgrounding. It does not quit if you play music in background.

You can download iFile 2 from Cydia. If you aren't jailbroken yet, you can use the iClarified Jailbreak Wizard for instructions.

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iFile 2 Has Been Released in Cydia, Features a New Design for iOS 7iFile 2 Has Been Released in Cydia, Features a New Design for iOS 7

iFile 2 Has Been Released in Cydia, Features a New Design for iOS 7iFile 2 Has Been Released in Cydia, Features a New Design for iOS 7
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Comments (10)
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Ab3r - December 31, 2013 at 7:45am
This post is misleading-> I can assure you, there is NO need to install this private repo! Instead, I would recommend a direct install from Cydia (even though iFile version 2.0.0-1 says: Installation Warning -> This product is not supported on your iOS version) The official version in Cydia is certified and will recognize prior registration.
sandeep kumar
sandeep kumar - January 9, 2014 at 5:28am
dear it's not working i installed ifile 2 buy not working at this source
BryanG - December 30, 2013 at 7:30pm
Excellent. Now where is the friggin' mobile substrate update?!?
BryanG - December 31, 2013 at 2:38pm
Alas, I was not being cocky. I think they made a huge mistake in not notifying important devs like Saurik about their plans. On the other hand, they had to know that it's been in development and they should have been working on updates, too. Or is this not how the software world works?
Tikis - May 19, 2014 at 8:15am
Need one
Tikis - May 19, 2014 at 8:16am
Need one App
Nawaf - August 6, 2014 at 10:24pm
Nawaf - August 6, 2014 at 10:25pm
aa12345678 Nawaf
Ms. Gina
Ms. Gina - December 30, 2013 at 6:24pm
Where is it??? I looked on Cydia, only displaying 1.9.1. Someone Please help me where to locate it
Grief - January 9, 2014 at 12:29pm
Just update cydia. Try to close-open cydia or reboot device, it should ask for update.
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