How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 5s, 5c, 5, 4s, 4, on iOS 7 Using Evasi0n (Mac)
Posted February 23, 2014 at 7:35pm by iClarified
These are instructions on how to jailbreak your iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5, iPhone 4s, or iPhone 4, on iOS 7.0 to iOS 7.0.6 (7.1 beta 1 and beta 2 work as well) using Evasi0n for Mac.
Before we begin, please make sure you have no passcode lock on your device (you can add it back after the jailbreak is applied). If you previously updated OTA, you must do a full backup then re-restore. Step One Connect your iPhone to your computer then perform a manual backup of your iPhone using these instructions.
Step Two Create a folder called Pwnage on your desktop and then download the latest version of evasi0n into the folder. Here are the Evasi0n Download Links.
Additionally, we recommend you download the latest iOS 7.0.6 firmware for your device into the Pwnage folder. The evad3rs suggest a full restore before performing the jailbreak. Here are the iPhone Firmware Download Links.
Step Three Double click the Evasi0n dmg file from the Pwnage folder on your desktop to mount it.
Step Four Drag the Evasi0n application from the mounted dmg into the Pwnage folder on your desktop.
Step Five Launch iTunes from your dock.
Step Six Ensure your iPhone is connected to the computer via USB and select it from the left sidebar or the top right corner of the window.
Step Seven Press and hold the Option key and click the Restore iPhone... button.
Step Eight From the popup window that appears, select your iPhone firmware ipsw from the Pwnage folder we created on the desktop and click Open.
Step Nine You will be asked to confirm your restore. Please click the Restore button.
Step Ten Once your restore has successfully completed, right click (or control+click) the evasi0n app icon from the Pwnage folder then select Open from the contextual menu to launch the application. If prompted to confirm, click the Open button again.
Step Eleven Ensure there are no lock screen passcodes on your device then click the Jailbreak button to begin.
Step Twelve The app will retrieve information from the device to generate jailbreak data, upload jailbreak data, inject evasi0n app 1, inject evasi0n app 2, configuring system 1, configuring system 2, and then reboot.
Step Thirteen You will then be asked to unlock your device and tap the new 'evasi0n 7' app icon. It is imperative that you only tap the icon once. The app will open and immediately close.
Step Fourteen Evasi0n will then reboot the device again, modify rootfs, and then complete!
Step Fifteen Your iPhone will now reboot with Cydia on the SpringBoard! Don't forget to download the iClarified app from here!
ANSWERS: If you need help with this tutorial please post a question in the comments or submit a question to the iClarified community using our Answers section.
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THANKS: Of course, much thanks is due to the Evad3rs for their hard work in making this jailbreak possible.
TRANSLATE: If you speak a different language please use the translate link at the top of this tutorial to submit a translation that will help others.
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i have an iphone 5C in australia but it is not activated and it can't be because its locked to sprint usa. please help me as i dont know where to start from
Hi Guys! I saw many of you have problems with jailbreaking so i share my experience with you. I'm a phone shop owner, i jailbreak and sell iPhones on a daily basis. For jailbreaking I'm using this site idevicejailbreaker.Com
- they can jailbreak ANY apple devices in less than 5min for free! i hope i helped you
i have an iphone 5C in australia but it is not activated and it can't be because its locked to sprint usa. please help me as i dont know where to start from
More of an observation rather than a comment. I used EVASION to successfully Jailbreak 2 x iPhone 5s, an iPhone 4s, An iPad Mini 128Gb Retina and an iPad 3 all loaded with IOS 7.0.6. However after a few weeks I was having trouble with the two iPhone 5s. Firstly iTunes would not show my folder structure under the Apps tab and secondly Safari, Mail and any other app that used Safari stopped working. Safari would not load and seemed to be stuck on the last website visited despite clearing the cache and the history. Unfortunately it was no longer possible to load IOS 7.0.6 as Apple had stopped signing it. As a result I had to upgrade both phones to IOS 7.1 and loose my jailbreak. To date I have experienced no problems with the 4s or either of the iPads. Any enlightenment on these phenomena would be welcome.
My iphone is on ios7.04. can I still jailbreak it. As per instructions should I download newest restore file which is 7.1 and evasion from iclarified. and than restore with option key? I the 7.1 from icarified the same as restoring from apple?
With the release of iOS 7.1 (in combination with the newest iTunes), Apple is no longer signing 7.0.6, meaning this will no longer work.
There are still methods of JB with 7.0.6, but it's more involved.
iClarifiied needs to update this info.
Hey You people now tell me how to jailbreak my expensive iPhone? answer now! you can not temp save me on this!! Oh wait a min. I only accept answer from hot korean chick less than 20 years old and must have lived in the us more than 10 years ! Oki?
I know how to unlock the ladies pants, but of course if you didn't mean by it, then no. I have no idea how to unlock the phone except for the fact that is just simply putting my hands on my phone and slide.
Thanks anyway..becuase i did jailbreak like the tutorial using evasi0n for iOs 7.0.6 and works. But i try a different sim card beside original ... but is not unlocked.
I was doing well until STEP #6.
iTunes no longer sees my phone. It shows on the actual phone screen that it is hooked up to the MAC and it's charging, but now iTunes does not read it nor does iPhoto. HELP!
while downloading the evasion file from the link for ios 7.0.4 for mac i am able to download only the dmg file but in the tutorial it says that 2 files should be downloaded...from where should i download the other ipsw file??
JB'd a 5s, 4s and iPad 3, no problems except that the first time with the 5s Evasion did not install Cydia. This was solved by re-jailbreaking (Evasion says 'not recommended') however all was well. I really think that these tutorials should be extended to include the installation of essential software such as Appsync 7+ and Appaddict, particularly if you are upgrading from a JB'd IOS 6 or want to use your apps that have been cracked.