PayPal Here for iPad Gets Categories, Variations, iOS 7 Fixes
Posted September 16, 2013 at 10:24pm by iClarified
PayPal Here for iPad has been updated to let you organize items into Categories and create Variations of items.
Accept credit cards anywhere you do business with the PayPal Here app and free credit card reader. Turn your iPad into an easy-to-use point of sale solution for payment processing. Just 2.7% per swipe* -- no setup costs or monthly fees. Payments go into your PayPal account quickly. Accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover cards.
Features: • Charge a flat amount or itemize an order. • Set up a product list to make order entry fast and easy. • Scan an item’s barcode with your camera to add it to an order. • Connect a cash drawer and receipt printer. • Offer discounts. • Set up multiple tax rates. • Give customers the option to add a tip. • Text or email receipts. • Process full or partial refunds. • Track sales activity in your Daily Summary. • Give employees partial access to your PayPal account so they can accept payments for you. • Attract new customers by listing your business in PayPal Local, a directory of stores that accept PayPal.
What's New In This Version: • Fixes for iOS 7 • You can organize the items in your product list into Categories. • You can create variations of the items in your product list. • Your cash drawer will automatically pop open when you accept cash. • Stability improvements and bug fixes.
You can download PayPal Here for iPad from the App Store for free.
I'm worried about the iOS7 version of it. This is what I wrote to Paypal and you all can see why:
This is regarding the PayPal Here app for IOS7. I am concerned about an email I received from you saying that on in order for the card swipe to work you must enable the microphone for your app. I find this suspicious as this increases a possibility of eavesdropping. No one know for how long will the feature keep the mic active and why it is needed. If this is a bug in IOS7 then on behalf of the consumer you should address this. After all the news on privacy issues concerning NSA and beyond you can't blame me for finding this worrying. Thank you.