Extensive List of What's New in iOS 7 Beta 5 [Images]
Posted August 6, 2013 at 5:39pm by iClarified
Here is an extensive list we've collected of what's new in iOS 7 beta 5 which Apple seeded to developers.
● New Settings icons
● You can now disable Control Center access within apps
● New Slide to Power Off
● Updated twitter icon
● New Yahoo! branding in Notification Center [Thanks Ghali]
● On/Off Switch for Labels in Accessibility [Thanks Ghali]
● Can access icons during animation in folders
● Updated in call buttons
● Trash moved in mail to right side, mark button on left now
● No more unlocking sound, locking sound instant
● Pull down banner on push notifications
● Headset controls on headphones now working again [Thanks Eyjag]
● You can download your specific language dictionary after you define a word
● Messages shows first name only now (last name initial dropped)
● Twitter and Skype now working
● Install screen and Boot screen same color as your phone now (white iPhone has black apple logo and white background) via ster1ng
● Lock screen music control functionality tweaked -- will not slide anymore when trying to access other controls (play/pause etc)
● Performance enhancements animation tweaks system wide (ie receiving notification will now darken instead of blur on lock screen). Some older device have had some animations blurs and transparencies removed to most likely help with performance.
● Carrier texts are now a fixed width and scroll back in forth instead of being static if the length of the characters are too much [Thanks Doozy]
● Notification Center features white 'clear' button instead of black
● Tweaked options in Camera.app
● Improved Camera Access from lock screen (easier)
● App store + more prominent for universal apps
● Sync icon now in right side of status bar [Thanks Mahmoud]
Check back momentarily. We are continually adding to this list. Let us know if you find anything new in the comments.
For more on the latest iOS 7 news please follow iClarified on Twitter, Facebook, or RSS.
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Has anybody noticed that if we saved autofills in safari browser, those we saved can be viewed in the safari setting??
Setting>safari>passwords & autofills>saved passwords>
There, we can see all the passwords saved! The characters ain't even hidden!
That is totally unsafe!
(Noticed it in earlier beta versions too. But they still ain't changed it!)
The animation while closing Control Centre is very quick now.
Apps open and close faster than before, the loading screen of apps no more shows old state of the app.
Well guess what, it's a new style that some of us want, what apple is doing for people who just want new looks, they never said they wanted more texture or less, just new. For people who want ios 6 style, they can keep it if they want, this is what some of us came for, like the ones below, they don't care if it looks that bad, what if the real steve was here, he may have agreed since the apps are already good enough by usage and looks, he would have agreed for a newer look, think of the ios 7 chart that's over 50% of people choosing ios 7. Sure it may look ugly but whether they like it or not, it's up to them to change it, soon every ios 7 user may like it. How else would apple more texture into apps besides retina and shining and shade behind apps for updating ios?
Local map scheme returned, uk motorways are blue, major roads are green, minor red, and b class are yellow again. This is a very welcome return here in the uk.
If you go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendar > Short Name you can change the display name to First Name Last Initial, First Initial Last Name, First Name Only, or Last Name Only. Also there is a Prefer Nicknames toggle.
has anyone else found the "level" function in the compass app when you swipe to the right? I noticed it in beta 2 or 3 but haven't seen anyone else comment on it yet