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Semi-Restore Lets You Wipe Your iPhone Without Losing Your Jailbreak [Released]

Semi-Restore Lets You Wipe Your iPhone Without Losing Your Jailbreak [Released]

Posted June 22, 2013 at 11:32pm by iClarified
Semi-Restore is a new solution for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch users who want to wipe their device clean without losing their jailbreak.

Created by CoolStar, the process will restore your device running iOS 5.0 through 6.1.2 to near stock condition. It's performed using a simple one click app that is available to download for Mac, Windows, and Ubuntu.

What this does do
● Uninstalls all Cydia packages
● Fixes host file issues
● Erases all user data
● Fixes permissions
● Fixes activation issues
● Fixes iMessage/Facetime issues
● Fixes Safe mode issues randomly appearing
● Reinstalls Cydia (in case it was deleted)

What this does not do
● Upgrade your iOS Version
● Downgrade your iOS Version
● Jailbreak your iOS Device
● Fix broken System Files

● SemiRestore supports Windows XP SP3 or higher, OS X 10.6 or higher, and Ubuntu 12.10 or higher (or the equivalent Linux).
● There may be a better way to fix your current problem. For example, to fix "Safe Mode" issues, you can just uninstall Mobile Substrate from Cydia.
● Like any other restore, make sure you backup your data if you want it later.
● Avoid using your iOS device or anything related to iTunes or XCode during the Semi-Restore. Why not actually go outside?
● This process can not and does not repair broken system files! Avoid all Siri Ports, as they are not only illegal (except for Spire on 5.0.1) but they also create problems and may potentially break system files (even Spire can cause this).
● Your device will respring or reboot several times during the Semi-Restore. This is perfectly normal, so don't panic.

You can download Semi-Restore from the link below. Follow iClarified on Twitter, Facebook, or RSS to be notified when our Semi-Restore tutorial is available.

As always, remember to backup your iOS device before attempting this.

You can find tutorials on how to perform a Semi-Restore here: Windows, Mac

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Comments (15)
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UNHAPPY - September 9, 2013 at 1:46am
BROKE MY PHONE!!! Keeps loading the "Semi Restore icon after boot up! just as well my contract ended today! Not happy
nothappy - July 13, 2013 at 12:09am
but after using SemiRestore Windows 1.0.2 ipad 2 no longer can install apps ..funbox appcake nothing working
matt - July 3, 2013 at 10:57pm
after completing semi restore it left all my cydia tweaks on device, and nothing worked in cydia. had to reinstall mobile substrate and full shut down and start up then it worked fine again.
Simon - June 26, 2013 at 4:45pm
Simon I am trying to untether my semi-tethered iphone 4s running ios 6.0.1. Cydia is crashing so i cannot open it. I have tried putting the iphone into DFU mode and use Redsnow to boot and this didn't work either. Maybe the last option is to unjailbreak the iphone and start over again. So any way i can do that without having to upgrade to ios 6.1.3.
None45 - June 23, 2013 at 11:55pm
This works perfect always has coolstar is the man
Bidawi - June 23, 2013 at 11:51pm
Followed the instructions to the letter but I get an "Error Loading Semi-Restore: One or more of the files that SemiRestore uploads to the device has been corrupted. Please redownload SemiRestore from If you believe you you encountered this message incorrectly, please contact @coolstarorg on twitter. Any help with this, please. Thanks.
Tom - June 23, 2013 at 2:56pm
how long does it take to jb a stock iOS? 10 mins? and you can be sure its not messed up. whats the point of this?
James - June 24, 2013 at 8:12pm
for people who can't restore because of the SHSH issue that happened or are on ip5. Restoring demands updating to newest iOS without the fixed shsh and not sure it even works on ip5.
Seth - June 23, 2013 at 1:02pm
They should add options on what data gets restored, and what remains untouched. That would be awesome
Tigz - June 23, 2013 at 7:04am
Wow, this would have been helpful to me like 3 months ago :/ anyway, awesome piece of software.
Simon - June 23, 2013 at 5:34am
How about an option to preserve your contacts and game progress. Maybe even emails and texts too. Just delete cydia packages and apps. Leave user data alone so we can set up the phone as a new device and not restore from backup which can potentially restore broken jailbreak code too.
Kronos - June 23, 2013 at 3:25pm
Use iCleaner for that?
Simon - June 23, 2013 at 5:30am
Haven't used it, but this sounds like a fantastic tool to preserve our jailbreaks in case something goes wrong.
Tinmania - June 23, 2013 at 12:53am
Sometimes I read all the comments that are posted here , they sometimes make my day .. keep up the good work people !
awe home
awe home - June 23, 2013 at 12:17am
tanks but the program is still fresh so i don't wanna to use it before some one did it nd it work with him tanks anyway good luck
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