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iPhone 6 Concept Featuring iOS 7 [Images]

iPhone 6 Concept Featuring iOS 7 [Images]

Posted June 14, 2013 at 5:05pm by iClarified
ADR Studio has posted a design concept for the iPhone 6 that features Apple's newly unveiled iOS 7 mobile operating system.

The concept is likely the first of many which will incorporate iOS 7. It envisions a 4.3-inch display, a touchpad gesture area, 18MP camera, double flash LED, finger print scanner, and an A7 processor.

Take a look at the images below...

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iPhone 6 Concept Featuring iOS 7 [Images]
iPhone 6 Concept Featuring iOS 7 [Images]
iPhone 6 Concept Featuring iOS 7 [Images]
iPhone 6 Concept Featuring iOS 7 [Images]
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Comments (24)
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NamesDon'tMatterHere - June 16, 2013 at 8:48pm
The english on this mock website is horrible haha Also why does the white one have a black strip on the top? Otherwise not bad, but i don't think Apple will ditch the Home button
Leo - June 16, 2013 at 2:53pm
Basically an HTC one with iOS7...Gorgeous
gamerscul9870 - June 16, 2013 at 5:15am
No, that's a game changer! Their's already a video from application showing the same Iphone in ios7! I am saying concepts are over but they still might make a wider screen!
pob - June 15, 2013 at 7:04am
Just gone from ios to android and I hate it, can't wait to get another iphone
Wolfmen1989 - June 15, 2013 at 3:59am
Awesome concept please apple do something like this, but one color on the too and bottom
Ludwing Rommel
Ludwing Rommel - June 15, 2013 at 3:53am
If Apple see this and do 'it will be inteligent for get happy people ut if do'nt do 'it LOSS millions of costumers and fans
Anthony - June 15, 2013 at 3:45am
Beautiful, #AppleNation #Hatersgonnahate
Bugged Out
Bugged Out - June 14, 2013 at 11:55pm
Maybe Apple will extend their message and phone filter to block these completely stupid concept articles.
Gargon - June 14, 2013 at 9:06pm
The question is how the battery will last. No point having multi tasking apps or best display but it won't last for a day.
Aj - June 14, 2013 at 8:02pm
Ugly! Apple will never have home button to apple. Very bad concept design.
Cagado I
Cagado I - June 15, 2013 at 6:44am
I would love to see your own nice concept design. Come on! If you can do better go ahead and show us!
rexology - June 14, 2013 at 8:00pm
I foresee a lot of pocket unlocks and multitask/Siri activating to come. The button is kind important, I don't want to keep pressing the Power button in order to show the lockscreen.
loser - June 14, 2013 at 7:26pm
Apple is not going to remove the home button losers. Update your concept phone that looks like exacly like LG pro no need wait just go buy
dash - June 14, 2013 at 6:58pm
Well i love that .. Great design.. Just wish Apple would look at these concepts cause some of them are really good.. Especially this 1..
Thoughtful - June 14, 2013 at 5:43pm
One more thing iphone 6 will not release with ios 7, it will have ios 8
rexology - June 14, 2013 at 8:02pm
And IOS8 will just be IOS7 with lots of updates on top of it. IOS7 is probably the ONLY OS that deserves to be called a new firmware, as the previous firmwares purpose was to slow down/stop invulnerabilities and jailbreaking.
Thoughtful - June 14, 2013 at 5:41pm
Thats awesome design but i need 4.7" iPhone 6, and besides that why in white iphone upper bezel is black, white means white black means black. Good concept anyways
Hal 9000
Hal 9000 - June 14, 2013 at 6:51pm
It was victim of the Copy / Paste.
MUKAI - June 14, 2013 at 5:27pm
Ugliest concept ever
Thoughtful - June 14, 2013 at 5:40pm
U must be looking at your mirror.
dru - June 14, 2013 at 5:09pm
it feels like the apple is not the apple anymore..since steve left us.. i miss steve..
Juju - June 14, 2013 at 5:19pm
What are you talking bout, that concept is a beautiful device. I am not looking for a feature phone, I am looking for a well crafted and useful phone.
dru - June 14, 2013 at 5:22pm
yeah..i think everything is fine except the signal bar and the apple logo on the home button. it looks like china-ish product..
rexology - June 14, 2013 at 5:24pm
Well thank goodness this is just a concept. Eventually, Apple will realize that the Apple logo doesn't need to be on both sides of the device.
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